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AMD Zen4 going 5nm?

According to the FAD 2020 at AMD on march 6th,
it seems as if AMD has big strategies for the future.
One of them being the next step in CPU production
using 5nm technology and chiplet stacking.

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March 9, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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2K Games also leaving GeforceNow!

It doesn’t seem to run well for NVidia’s GeforceNow
streaming service, After Bethesda and Activision, also
2K Games which is a subsidiary of Take2 Interactive,
has stated to leave the GeforceNow program.

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March 8, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Economy&Finance , Games , News , Technology
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11-year old boy driving car

There are indeed very odd reasons why children
drive cars. This one however is pure stupidity.
The parents of an 11-year old boy were annoyed
that he played too much GTA on his playstation.

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March 7, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Tesla’s MCU wearing off too soon

Due to a construction flaw, the flash memory of the
MCU wears off too soon due to excessive writing
operations onto the flash memory. It’s like with SSDs
where memory cells may become defective by time.

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March 6, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Let’sEncrypt revoking SSL certs

SSL certificates are one essential key for proving
authenticity of an URL and also the encrypted data
transfer between client and server. But what happens
if an SSL certificate gets corrupted or misused?

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March 5, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , News , Technology
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Intel reopens 14nm fab in Costa Rica

It seems as if Intel still is in need of 14nm fab capacity
and thus has reopened it’s 14nm chip fab in Costa Rica
where also the Pentium III had been fabbed years ago.
However it’s unclear why Intel doesen’t focus on 7nm.

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March 4, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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SETI@home shutting down soon!

SETI@Home is well-known to a lot of users from
the past. This project from Berkeley Univversity
has been established to seek for extraterrestrial
existence in space wave recordings.

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March 3, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Science , Technology
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WordPress under attack!

If you run a WordPress site, you should check for
the latest security flaws in the following plugins
if you happen to use them on your site. In the
worst case an attacker could gain admin access!

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March 2, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Technology , Thoughts
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Garfield Top 5 – March 2020

Spring’s gonna come soon and the green will
lurk out from the snow. Time to celebrate the
blooming and fresh scent of all the plants and
flowers. And with some new Garfield Favs…

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March 1, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Friends , Fun
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February 29th… every four years!

What’s so special about this day that comes across
every fourth year? Well, to understand why there’s
a 366th day every four years, let’s look at the
astronomical aspects of an earth-year.

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February 29, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Covid-19 – A virus threatening the world

It seems as if the media is entirely in the hands of
the “corona-virus”, also called Covid-19, which
belongs to the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome) viruses and infected 80’000 people.

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February 28, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Officer imprisoning 6-year old girl

Well, it seems justice has gone too far again. An officer
in Orlando, FL has imprisoned a 6-year old girl after an
incident in her school. According to U.S. newsportals it
seems as if the teacher has called the police.

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February 27, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Cloudflare replacing Intel servers

It seems as if Intel’s domain is crumbling as well.
Cloudflare is replacing their servers with AMD-based
systems that have EPYC 7642 processors inside. These
are 48-core server processors clocked at 2.3GHz base.

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February 26, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Paypal accounts misused

Using Paypal in conjunction with GooglePay? Then you
should pay more attention to all your transactions now!
A greater scam wave is currently hitting users of PayPal
and GooglePay showing transactions from Target.

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February 25, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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AirBNB promoting noise monitors

In the USA, AirBNB is currently promoting noise
sensors that monitor loud noises and give land-
lords the ability of being notified in case tenants
are having a party or producing too much noise.

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February 24, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Kioxia presenting large SSDs

Kioxia goes Datacenter SSD. Kioxia which has been
founded out of the Toshiba Memory Europe company
has set the next step for large data center disks with
enormous transfer speeds.

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February 23, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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GeForce Now losing Bethesda

It’s no good times for NVidia at the moment. Right after
the ending of the Beta phase of GeForce Now it seems
as if the next big partner turns his back on NVidia. The
loss of Bethesda as a big game publisher is harsh.

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February 22, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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MS Surface 3 Laptop screen crack

The Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 is the current flagship
laptop product of Microsoft, comparable to the Apple
MacBook Pro. Recent reports show, however, that the
screen appears tobe extremely sensible and easily cracks

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February 21, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Czinger 21C – Bugatti Veyron killer?

Ever heard of Czinger? Neither did we! But their
sportscar concept seems to be very enthusiastic
and aiming for the GIMS 2020 in Geneva. A car
entirely made by robots and carbon fiber used.

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February 20, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Windows 10 and KB4532693 update

It seems as if Microsoft still has severe problems with
Quality Assurance when it comes to releases of updates.
The KB4532693 update released on February 11th, 2020,
seems to take data protection a tad too serious.

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February 19, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Transrapid – The sad truth!

Transrapid – When we hear that word, we think of a
German engineering masterpiece that never was set
operational on any official track however. But Shanghai
did in 2003 between Pudong and the outer City border.

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February 18, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Architecture , Technology , Thoughts , Video
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Shelby Supercars Tuatara 2020

A new super car has entered the stage. Was the Bugatti
Veyron the usual star when it comes to horsepower, high
speed and massive acceleration, it sems as if Shelby is
going to take over by now. And how they do that!

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February 17, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Gallery , News , Technology , Thoughts
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How good are foldable phones?

So Samsung’s new flagship is out and has already
been tested. Especially when it comes to stability
of the all-new Ultra Thin Glass (UTG). One well
known video blogger (JRE) did it the hard way.

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February 17, 2020Netspark 1 Comment »
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Popcorn made the stylish way

If you thought, you’ve seen it all already, well here’s
something new you might not have seen before.
So what’s the least stuff needed to make popcorn?
A microwave? A pan? A popcorn machine?

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February 16, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Fun , Science , Video
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Water and alcohol as a drink?

It appears as if the assortment of bizarre drinks has
got another addendum. Today it’swater with alcohol
mixed into. The water comes in 5 flavors which are
fruit flavors. The side information: It has 5% vol alc.

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February 15, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Economy&Finance , Ideas , Thoughts
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Samsung’s new foldable smartphone

Samsung did it again. Unveiling the Galaxy Z Flip, it is
their second phone that has a touch surface that can
be folded. Unlike the Samsung Galaxy Fold with it’s
large screen and vertical folding, the Z Flip is different.

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February 14, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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What 4K video upscaling can do

Ever wondered what an old movie from before 1900 would
look like if they had 4K technology already? Well, a multimedia
studio has restored a shortfilm from 1896 of the Lumière
Brothers that has been aired in 1897 in the public.

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February 13, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Superlatives: Rope cranes

Have you always wondered what the largest cranes in the
world look like and how high they are? Today we present
you the 5 biggest of them. Either used to set up smaller
construction cranes or for heavyweight lifting tasks

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February 12, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Gallery , Technology
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Patience is a virtue in Mumbai

Ever been impatient at red traffic lights? Well, in
Mumbai you’d better not have a short tamper and
start using your horn extensively. In Mumbai there
are traffic lights that measure the loudness.

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February 11, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Microsoft advertising Edge?

It seems as if Microsoft is testing how to make Edge
appealing to users of other browsers like Firefox.
A screenshot twittered by WindowsLatest shows that
Microsoft is placing a hint to their newest browser.

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February 10, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Foxconn stops production

Definitely no good time for Foxconn at the
moment. The coronavirus seems to have im-
pacted all major companies in China and
forces them to a standstill due to infection risk.

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February 9, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Economy&Finance
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DHS tracking smartphone users

The DHS has been in the center of attention when
it comes to user tracing without their knowledge.
Now it’s official that the DHS uses databases with
data of millions of smartphone users to track them.

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February 8, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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