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Cloudflare replacing Intel servers

It seems as if Intel’s domain is crumbling as well.
Cloudflare is replacing their servers with AMD-based
systems that have EPYC 7642 processors inside. These
are 48-core server processors clocked at 2.3GHz base.

Intel has become too expensive from the sight of Cloudflare. Cloudflare, known as DDoS-Protector in the Web and used by Mozilla Firefox as default gateway for web requests is demanding a lot of processing power thus relying on powerful processors.

Intel, however, has extremely ridiculous prices for their XEON lineup. One XEON 48core processor is still above 10.000 EUR thus twice as expensive as the AMD EPYC 48core processor. Intel does, what AMDon’t (derived from Sega does what Nintendon’t), just in a contrary view.
One could say, Intel does ridiculous pricing that AMD doesn’t.

Fully understandable that from the sight of a business analyst the EPYC CPU is the better bargain if we consider the “power per dollar” ratio.

System builders have already begun also building server platforms based upon EPYC ZEN2 architecture which offer a lot of processing power for way less the money than Intel does.

While Intel has already lowered the prices for desktop and HEDT processors due to AMDs new Threadripper debute, it’s just a matter of time when Intel will also lower prices for enterprise CPUs.

All in all the fat times are over for Intel. Time to start working to become the number 1 in the CPU business again.

February 26, 2020 Netspark - 1598 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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