Garfield Top5 – February 2025
Well it’s time back for the Garfield Top 5
Again some of the large amount of cartoons
that probably will make you laugh! Have fun
and see you around next month! Continue Reading
Well it’s time back for the Garfield Top 5
Again some of the large amount of cartoons
that probably will make you laugh! Have fun
and see you around next month! Continue Reading
Well it’s time back for the Garfield Top 5
Again some of the large amount of cartoons
that probably will make you laugh! Have fun
and see you around next month! Continue Reading
Well it’s time back for the Garfield Top 5
Again some of the large amount of cartoons
that probably will make you laugh! Have fun
and see you around next month! Continue Reading
Well it’s time back for the Garfield Top 5
Again some of the large amount of cartoons
that probably will make you laugh! Have fun
and see you around next month! Continue Reading
We all know our beloved game hero Mario from
various game titles like Super Mario Bros. or
Mario Kart. But what happens if he had a rough day?
I have found the answer….
Carnival comes a-knocking and soon the
streets will be full of people and confetti!
Time for the winter to slowly retire and
make room for springtime!
Here’s the new year! Hope you had a good
slide into it and celebrated not too hard so
that you woke up with a headache. Hopefully
there’s some snow down now for winter feelings.
Outside it’s getting colder and the days become
shorter! Soon it’s time for a nice hot cup of mulled
wine alongside with some nice gingerbread or also
some fine fresh raclette. Winter’s around the corner!
When the leaves torn red and yellow and
the first mist starts to turn the morning into
a dreamland then you know that autumn’s
just about to make it’s turn for it’s enchanting!
When the leaves torn red and yellow and
the first mist starts to turn the morning into
a dreamland then you know that autumn’s
just about to make it’s turn for it’s enchanting!
Autumn’s around the corner. Time to enjoy
the last warm days outside before the days
become gray, cold, rainy and foggy again.
Here’s the Garfield Top 5 for September…
Damn it’s hot outside. If you’re tired of sweltering
to death and seeking shelter in your cool home
browsing the web and possibly our blog, here’s the
Garfield Top 5 of August for your convenience…
Time to fire up the good ol’ BBQ and enjoy a
nice, juicy grilled steak outside while sun’s up.
Enjoy the warm weather and when back here,
here’s the Garfield Top 5 of July for you…
Summertime and time to stay out in the sun for
longer time. It’s also the month of the longest day.
So while you’re enjoying the good weather, here’s
the Garfield Top 5 for June…
We’re straight heading twoards summertime. And also
there’s the new Garfield Top 5 for you to start the May
with a smile on your face. Have a good start into the
weekend and enjoy the (hopefully) nice weather…
April’s Fools Day here? Not at any rate around here!
But if you got caught don’t be mad, just calm yourself
down with some funny Garfield Top 5 comics to forget
about April’s Fools day quickly…
Spring’s gonna come soon and the green will
lurk out from the snow. Time to celebrate the
blooming and fresh scent of all the plants and
flowers. And with some new Garfield Favs…
If you thought, you’ve seen it all already, well here’s
something new you might not have seen before.
So what’s the least stuff needed to make popcorn?
A microwave? A pan? A popcorn machine?
Ever been impatient at red traffic lights? Well, in
Mumbai you’d better not have a short tamper and
start using your horn extensively. In Mumbai there
are traffic lights that measure the loudness.
New year’s start is through and the
next month comes a-kiockin’. Carnival
takes place in many places mid February yet
it’s quite cold but spring is around the corner…
Wintertime is a-coming. Soon there will be white
cover all over the land! Hopefully. The chances for
white christmas have sunken dramatically. Maybe
this year we will anyway have white christmas…
Autum’s just around the corner the days get shorter
but there’s no need to feel bad or sad. Every season
has it’s good side. So let’s enjoy the good weather as
it lasts. Have fun!
Revenge is a dish best served cold. Or others say: “Karma is a
bitch!”. The following video shows what can happen to pranksters
preparing not too well and how karma almost instantly hits back.
So whenever you think, Karma can’t get you… think twice!
The foliage gets red, the sun has a special lighting
angle, the air gets filled with that special autumn
scent! And in Munich they’re celebrating the world-
famous Oktoberfest.
It is amazing what you can do with some voltage regulation,
a small computer and some credit card machines, electric
tootbrushes and electric typewriters. THe following two videos
shall make you slide into the weekend with happiness.
The weekend’s almost over again. Quite fast as we
think. So if you have to work on monday again, let
us sweeten up your week’s beginning with some
fun video stuff from Mr. Bean.
Autum’s just around the corner the days get shorter
but there’s no need to feel bad or sad. Every season
has it’s good side. So let’s enjoy the good weather as
it lasts. Have fun!
What a terrific summer it is. I bet some have already
used their grill or barbecue pit to dine outside while
the sun is shining. That’s probably the best time to
enjoy some freshly-grilled beef! Have a nice day!
Hello fellow readers. We’re inmidst of the summer and
the heat is making us swelter like hell. But anyway we’re
posting here for your convenience so that the heat won’t
kill your smiling anyways. Here are the Top 5 for July.
Yes, it’s weekend again! Time to deliver you some funny videos
that make you smile when you finish work or other tasks and
enjoy the hopefully good weather outside. Today nothing
special has happened in the IT and tech world. Have fun!
For the sunday, there’s some fun ahead. This time:
When work becomes a nuisance and funny things
are luring around the corner. Enjoy the day with
this video compilation.
Here we are. The sun is tempting, the weather hopefully
awesome and some time for some ice cream to enjoy.
But also Garfield is making it’s attempt to make you
smile today, if the weather hasn’t done so already…