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Mario – having a bad day

We all know our beloved game hero Mario from
various game titles like Super Mario Bros. or
Mario Kart. But what happens if he had a rough day?
I have found the answer….

When watching some videos in YouTube, I accidentally stumbled upon a series that best describes the situation when Mario really has a rough time. And well, in some cases, he ain’t that friendly plumber anymore with his distinctive italian dialect. But rather he can become very angry…

Keep in mind that these videos contain mature language probably not suitable for all audience! (PG-14 advised)

Unfortunately there are only 5 videos of this series available:

 There’s also a german version of the videos above available:

September 18, 2024 Netspark - 1598 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (1 votes, average: 7.00 out of 7)
FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Fun , Games , Video
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