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Holy f***ing cow… All these updates

Sometimes when your webspace provider hits you with
a notice to update your site here and there and informing
you about the upcoming obsolescene of certain PHP ver-
sions, things to update become quite ugly…

So I started changing the PHP version to the one recommended by my hoster and *kablammo* – White page of PHP death. Yikes. So much for a “smooth update of my blog. But after some beers, fiddling around with PHP error messages and all the crap, I finally managed to get things back running and now heading towards another few years of smooth operation of my blog.

If you wondered why it got so quiet on my blog, let me assure you that this blog is again a one-man show and as you probably could guess, a blog, a website and all the stuff need care, things to report of and time.

Speaking of time this is where things get worse by now. My job really consumes a LOT of time and that was the main reason for me not writing as much as in the past anymore.

However I am trying to bring back a little more dynamics into this blog and make it a vivid source of information again.

The upcoming days will still bring back some dial-turning, some screws being tightened and some other tweaks being applied here and there. This all takes some time so bear with me should the blog show some odd behavior. This only means that I am actively doing some maintenance again. Some long overdue maintenance, that is!

If you start missing some things (on the sidebar or the blog itself), let me assure you that I spent a lot of time to find a suitable replacement for plugins that have no loger received updates and were part of the error problem with the PHP version change or have been abandoned entirely.

So rather than trying to fix things to get them to work again I started to dismiss any of the errorprone sources and banish them from my blog entirely. I rather want to spend my time writing content for you than to waste it on programming and tweaking so that the appearance of the blog does not alter. I simply do not have the time anymore to waste it on things that do not contribute much to your viewer’s pleasure.

But for now, let’s look forward to another time where posts on this blog become more frequent again and I hope to welcome you back as a frequent visitor.

As always: Have a good time around!

September 1, 2024 Netspark - 1602 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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FILED UNDER :Computer , Ideas , Technology , Thoughts

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