Garfield Top5 – February 2025
Well it’s time back for the Garfield Top 5
Again some of the large amount of cartoons
that probably will make you laugh! Have fun
and see you around next month! Continue Reading
Well it’s time back for the Garfield Top 5
Again some of the large amount of cartoons
that probably will make you laugh! Have fun
and see you around next month! Continue Reading
Well it’s time back for the Garfield Top 5
Again some of the large amount of cartoons
that probably will make you laugh! Have fun
and see you around next month! Continue Reading
Well it’s time back for the Garfield Top 5
Again some of the large amount of cartoons
that probably will make you laugh! Have fun
and see you around next month! Continue Reading
A new super car has entered the stage. Was the Bugatti
Veyron the usual star when it comes to horsepower, high
speed and massive acceleration, it sems as if Shelby is
going to take over by now. And how they do that!
Have you always wondered what the largest cranes in the
world look like and how high they are? Today we present
you the 5 biggest of them. Either used to set up smaller
construction cranes or for heavyweight lifting tasks
When it comes to smartwatches, Apple is in the lead even
though there are a lot of Android-based smartwatches on
the market. In general, Apple has a domination with their
smartwatches with an estimated 120 million sold units so far!
Now personally we’d say, we’ve seen it all. But a
gold-plated keyboard? Well, that new to us even
knowing those fancy smartphones that come
covered in gold and cost as much as a house.
Happy 2020 fellow readers. Hope you enjoyed the New Year’s
Eve as much as I did and you had a great party. Right to the
start of the new year, there are again Top 15 Garfield comics
to start the year with a good laugh! Have fun and enjoy!
If you thought, you have been seeing everything
then check out this gallery of weird Walmart
situations where even the clerks might have
wondered about the situation they were seeing.
Remember the times when computers had CPUs with a speed
of a single-digit or at best double-digit MHz? Well, the
Commodore C64 for example was clocked at 985 KHz
(yes, you read right, it ran at 0.985MHz!).
There was a short break for Garfield but he’s back with some new Top 15.
Have fun reading his next 15 Shorts where he is in Action with Jon and
the rest of the world. Can’t exactly tell when the next Top 15 appear but
stay tuned and have fun!
There was a short break for Garfield but he’s back with some new Top 15.
Have fun reading his next 15 Shorts where he is in Action with Jon and
the rest of the world. Can’t exactly tell when the next Top 15 appear but
stay tuned and have fun!
There was a short break for Garfield but he’s back with some new Top 15.
Have fun reading his next 15 Shorts where he is in Action with Jon and
the rest of the world. Can’t exactly tell when the next Top 15 appear but
stay tuned and have fun!
…the phone. A phrase, Apple iPhone users see since the iPhone 5s. But
not only Apple has this feature now! HTC is the first manufacturer to
have a phablet (5.9″) in it’s portfolio to allow users to secure their device
by fingerprints. The HTC One Max is the first Android phone with this!
As posted last month, here’s now this months’ Garfield Top 15.
Again here are 15 assorted strips from the various garfield comics over
the years! Have fun and good laughing minutes while watching/reading
them. For more comics, simply scroll down this page.
It has arrived – iOS7 – The new major release of Apple’s mobile OS has finally
approached. A new, sleek design, probably remembering many of Android is
replacing the dusty old iOS look. Although the old iOS still looks good, it’s
time to change. Inny and outy, that is!
As posted last month, here’s now this months’ Garfield Top 15.
Again here are 15 assorted strips from the various garfield comics over
the years! Have fun and good laughing minutes while watching/reading
them. For more comics, simply scroll down this page.
As posted last month, here’s now this months’ Garfield Top 15.
Again here are 15 assorted strips from the various garfield comics over
the years! Have fun and good laughing minutes while watching/reading
them. For more comics, simply scroll down this page.
As posted last month, here’s now this months’ Garfield Top 15.
Again here are 15 assorted strips from the various garfield comics over
the years! Have fun and good laughing minutes while watching/reading
them. For more comics, simply scroll down this page.
Ever wondered how these huge freight carriers, which have a length of more
than 1000 feet, are built and then watered? Then you should watch this 75
seconds timelapse and your question should be answered. Maersk and a
shipyard in Korea have built the largest freight carrier, recording the result.
The first day at the CeBIT was a huge success for a technician like me. All the
stuff dealing with IT and the server techiques around are an El Dorado there. I
could gather a lot of information for my job, too and it’s no surprise that I found
the companies of the software used at my employer.
As posted last On December ’12, here’s now this months’ Garfield Top 15.
Again here are 15 assorted strips from the various garfield comics over
the years! Have fun and good laughing minutes while watching/reading
them. For more comics, simply scroll down this page.
When you’re around in America, the streets are often trailed with signs.
Not often however do they contain funny texts on them as there was some
discrepancy between the shop owner and the clerk upon the sign change.
But not ony shopkeepers get funny signs!
China is one of the countries with the highest poulation density. But not
only poor people are living next to each other on small room. A new bulit
villa village in Lingshui, Hainan (China) has been built in only two years.
Over 1000 new villas are ready to be rent by wealthier citizen of China.
As posted last month, here’s now this months’ Garfield Top 15.
Again here are 15 assorted strips from the various garfield comics over
the years! Have fun and good laughing minutes while watching/reading
them. For more comics, simply scroll down this page.
Ever wondered how google is processing your search requests or how your
video demands on YouTube are served? Well, till now, there were no official
pictures on the ‘net about the inside looks of Google’s computing centers.
Till now. Google has oficially put together a gallery about their holy cow.
Bern is undergoing a rapid change when it comes to the club scene.
Clubs close, but also there are new ones opening. One of the new
stars in Bern is the Bronx Bar which is opening doors today. A
modern club with modern interior is awaiting you.
As posted last month, here’s now this months’ Garfield Top 15.
Again here are 15 assorted strips from the various garfield comics over
the years! Have fun and good laughing minutes while watching/reading
them. For more comics, simply scroll down this page.
As already posted last year, Starlight Events has again taken the idea to make
the Bundeshaus Bern a giant screen. This year’s show deals with the topic
technics, science, lifestyle of Switzerland. An impressive lightshow is ahead of
you. This show is 22 minutes long. Simply said: Fascinating and enchanting!
As posted last month, here’s now this months’ Garfield Top 15.
Again here are 15 assorted strips from the various garfield comics over
the years! Have fun and good laughing minutes while watching/reading
them. For more comics, simply scroll down this page.
As posted last month, here’s now this months’ Garfield Top 15.
Again here are 15 assorted strips from the various garfield comics over
the years! Have fun and good laughing minutes while watching/reading
them. For more comics, simply scroll down this page.
As a Garfield-fan I thought, I’d bring you the most funny comics per month.
For August have a laugh at these 15 great Comic strips. If you’re looking for
more, simply scroll to the bottom of the blog and there you have it! Hope
you enjoy these of a beginning series!