Things you only see at Walmart
If you thought, you have been seeing everything
then check out this gallery of weird Walmart
situations where even the clerks might have
wondered about the situation they were seeing.
If you thought, you have been seeing everything
then check out this gallery of weird Walmart
situations where even the clerks might have
wondered about the situation they were seeing.
The international Motor show in Geneva is just
few days ahead. On thursday the motor show
is opening it’s doors to the public and all major
motor brands are presenting their latest cars.
Yesterday we have shown a guy who tried to steal a bike
just in front of a police station. We have received some
more hilarious footage from idiots who don’t know what
surveillance is and when they stop looking around.
This is something one would not like to happen to
oneself live. You drive on a road and suddenly a rock
crushes onto the road you’re driving on crushing your
foreman’s car. Wht do you think in such a moment?
Cruising around in a car (especially when you got your driver’s licence…)
However there’s one little thing you should be aware of: KNOW YOUR CAR
FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE! – In this case, the young driver did everything
wrong what one could do wrong and the result is predictible.
You know, I was complaining about winter in the past. The temperature
has already risen over zero although 3 degrees Celsius aren’t that warm
either. But what bothers me most is the everyday-gray that is dominating
the whole weeks for the last three months. Where’s spring and the sun?!
Biking is cool and also relieves from the common stress. However all the stress
can come up again, when you’re in danger. This otorcyclist barely was missed
by a misled car driver who happened to drive on the wrong side of the road.
Barely missing the motorcyclist the driver did not seem to worry about it!
The roads in Russia are dangerous. Already prooved many times. In this
case it ain’t otherwise. The driver of this car thinks, the trucker seems to
be an idiot as the trucker is closing up to just a few centimetres to the car.
Well… or is the car braking on purpose? You can’t tell for sure.
Especially when there was an accident where the powerline was torn down.
And if just THEN a car happens to cross that line… well… the car will THEN
learn an acrobatic act. But for me I am imressed how much power such a
powerline can have to even stop a fully-accelerated car. Watch for yourself.
Driving sometimes can suck if you’re in a traffic jam for example.
There are several drivers developing some sort of odd workarounds to
evade the traffic jam. Many are successful but some end in epic fail!
This driver has chosen the second option. Overtaking and monorailing!
Car crashes are spectacular. Abd if they’re on footage material, it’s much
more spectacular. I’ve take some together for your viewing pleasure.
Some are funny, some are crazy, some are spectacular. Never thought,
that there are so many car crashes within such a small time period.
How close can a car being parked in parallel without touching the car in
front of and behind? How much distance in between did you have when
doing so? 1 meter, 80cm, 60cm or even closer? Well forget about these
“records”. The chinese Han Yu only needed 15cm to park his car.
This question is easily answered: You don’t know what you do and how things
turn into weapons if improperly used. In Singapore a taxi driver and a taxi
user have died in a horrible but also spectacular crash. The driver, a young
rich chinesse guy totaled his rare Ferrari 599 GT… and lost his life too!
I have already posted some videos, how dangerous driving in Russia can be.
This video is no exception and goes one step further. I guess You all know the
zipper scheme when you are on a two-lane intersection. slow down your car,
let the car next to you slip in between. But what happens if you don”t give in?
Mooses have been set in conjunction with track-instabile cars, like the first
mercedes A-class that couldn’t pass the Elk-test (a special road test with
sharp turns). Mooses are also put in the position of wrecking cars, especially
when you collide with them.
Driving can be difficult and yes, policemen can be annoying too if they pick
you out for no obvious reason. But totaling your car and possibly endangering
other’s lives isn’t an option then! The driver of the car in the following video didn’t
care about anything and drove into the traffic jam recklessly and totaled his car.
Yikes! When you think of Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche & Co., you also think of $$$!
And lots of them! On December 4th, 13 cars were part of an accident due to massively
speeding! Instead of driving with 80 km/h, the drivers decided to raise their speed to
estimated 150 km/h. And even the wet and slippery street did not stop them to do so!
Things you shouldn’t do when you’re drunk are for example: Driving! DUI is a
crime in most countries of the earth. This Camaro driver however still chose
to drive home fully loaded. Bad luck that he too the wrong “target” to stop his
car. The hit target was nothing less than a police car doing DUI checks!
This video spectacularly shows how to stop bad guys trying to flee the cops
using the historical movie way: Taking off with a plane while a cop car chases
them. However in this case either the pilot did not give enough power to the
engines or the cops simply had a more powerful car. The result: Cops win!
Another video today catched my attention. Car drivers know them and they
hate them: Parking meters! Especially when they run out and just in this
moment a traffic warden happens to pass by to give you a ticket. These two
guys in Brooklyn, NY seem not very happy about the ticket. Time to act!
This strange video shows that the holder (italian guy according to the italian
license plate) totally misunderstood the usage of a power cleaning hose. Most
of all car holders know, that it is only used to remove very crusty dirt, the
brushes in the washing facility cannot remove. But the interior of the car?
This really shocking video comes from Foshan, China. In midst of a shopping
strip, a two years old girl is walking on the street. The driver of a small van
however did not see the girl or ignored her for whatever reason. He probably
heard a damped thump and stopped…
The last day of September is nearing end and quite a lot has happened.
I was able to visit the Oktoberfest 2011, I managed quite a lot tasks at work
and my effort there got honored. The October will also be interesting as I
am about to celebrate my 33rd birthday and a good friend of mine is visiting.
It sounds like a sci-fi novel. A modified 4×4 car, high-tech radio frequency jamming
technology, stealth-ability, highly-armored – a real moving fortress!
They say that the car itself is jamming any kind of electric device within 100 metres
(approx. 300 feet) using microwave and radio frequency at high power rate.
Often seen, a big annoyance for residents of a certain area and flushes
big simoleans into the city’s funds. You might think: “What’s the big
deal with false parking? It brings me to a close spot for shopping, doing
my busines, etc. and if they catch me, I pay a higher parking fee…”