How a Tesla “sees” the world…
If you ever wondered how a Tesla is able to maneuver
you through the roads with no problem detecting
obstacles, persons and free spots to drive on, you
might want to give this video a try. Simply astounding!
If you ever wondered how a Tesla is able to maneuver
you through the roads with no problem detecting
obstacles, persons and free spots to drive on, you
might want to give this video a try. Simply astounding!
I hope you all enjoy christmas with your beloved ones and are not staying at home alone!
I wish you some pleasant, quiet, relaxing and soothening days for your convenience. And
remember to all the people you know. Let them known that you think about them and if it
is only a shortmessage from your cell phone!
Racism, hatred… face it! Wherever you go, there’s at least someone who lives
patriotism the false way. In the following video, I was shocked about a young
woman with child complaining about immigrants and black people in London.
Delicate: She complained in a full suburb train with some black people!
This really shocking video comes from Foshan, China. In midst of a shopping
strip, a two years old girl is walking on the street. The driver of a small van
however did not see the girl or ignored her for whatever reason. He probably
heard a damped thump and stopped…