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AMD Zen4 going 5nm?

According to the FAD 2020 at AMD on march 6th,
it seems as if AMD has big strategies for the future.
One of them being the next step in CPU production
using 5nm technology and chiplet stacking.

The first step is to further refine the 7nm processing and then shift into the next gear, meaning 5nm CPU fabbing, allowing faster clock speeds and still lower power consumption. While Intel still struggles with the 10nm process and still fabbing some processors even at 14nm, AMD seems to have refined their 7nm processing stage with TSMC Globalfoundries producing a portfolio of over 20 products already.

Until 2022 AMD intends to fab at 5nm to achieve the next-gen Zen-architecture CPU type while ZEN3 is planned for first releases in 2020. So it will be an interesting development process until 2022 and how AMD will try to have 5nm processors hit the market. Especially regarding Intel where 7nm still isn’t an option and even 10nm is only vaguely starting to roll off the belt.

But not only new processor architecture is said to be enrolled by 2022, also DDR5 as new memory technology is expected to come.

For now AMD has improved their processor design greatly. With the usage of Chiplets, the Die can be used in a more efficient way now allowing fast CPU structures to be implemented under one hood.

The next step will then be the 2.5 & 3D technology where chiplets gets stacked over each other and interconnected using new Infinity architecture technology. AMD’s goal is to improve bandwidth by 10 times compared to the classic design nowadays.

Stacked chips however have not just been invented by AMD. In 2017 AMD already has presented a stacked processing-unit, called “Exascale processor” which combined 32 CPU cores, 24’576 GPU shaders and 256GB of RAM onto one module but clearly not intended for public use but rather in data centers:

What has been a concept by then, has now become a definite target to achieve in order to improve processor speed and power demand.

The ZEN4 architecture could make Exascale available to the public.

Frontier and El Captian are AMD’s most sophisticated supercomputer projects with the goal to achieve ExaFlops speed thus outwitting their competitors. According to the most recent Top500 list dated November 2019, IBM still dominates this field with the “Summit” achieving 148’600 TFlops/s and peak 200’000 TFlops/s.

If AMD can achieve these goals is only dependent on whether their 5nm fabbing process might become real and also their 3D chiplet stacking. But as we have seen, Threadripper was also first laughed at and later showed Intel what Threadripper can do. Theur 3990X is a real beast when it comes to pure multicore processing power.

We’re confident that AMD will also master this challenge. The concluding question is: What will Intel do with Lakefield and do they have plans to counterattack AMDs plans to become the leader in CPU design and processing power? And what does IBM do? No one has heard of them recently when it comes to their Power9 processors and it’s successor (if there’s any, that is!)

See the full presentation here (from which the above slides are taken from):


March 9, 2020 Netspark - 1602 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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