DHS tracking smartphone users
The DHS has been in the center of attention when
it comes to user tracing without their knowledge.
Now it’s official that the DHS uses databases with
data of millions of smartphone users to track them.
The DHS has been in the center of attention when
it comes to user tracing without their knowledge.
Now it’s official that the DHS uses databases with
data of millions of smartphone users to track them.
Snapchat is used by a lot of people to broadcast their short videos
and other things like Memes. As Snapchat always underlines the
statement: “Your data is secure and your privacy is our concern”,
this could leave a black spot on their white vest.
Privacy is a thing of concern and they all seem to have their
problems with it. Facebook however got caught several times
failing to secure personal data. In this case again millions of
user datasets have been exposed using cloud services.
Spectre strikes again! It seems as if Intel has no time to
rest. Has Spectre V1 been digested halfway, there’s some
new competitor hitting the floor: SplitSpectre! While the
decessor requires time-critical timing for attacks, the new…
It seems as if state supervision becomes a good
business for Darknet users. A french marketplace
called “Black Hand” has been recently shut down.
The owner: an employee of the DGSI!
Well For a very long time, TV sets were nothing more than an image
projector. Since TV sets nowadays have a computer built-in so they can
display entire online content and smart innovations like image
improvement, their abilities can reach far beyond your imagination…
When “Providers” get fed up with customer-unfriendly methods of the NSA,
they start mocking up. In this case, Google has decided to lock out the NSA
from sniffing the communication between Google’s server farms. Google
announced to encrypt their traffic between the data centers.
Seems as if Hacking and theft of sensitivedata is getting more and more an issue these days.
This time Valve got hacked and according to Valve, a possible access to the customers
credit card data also got possible. At current, Access to the steam network is not possible.
However Steam suggests that you check your credit card account balance regularly.