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Facebook and the privacy… again!

Privacy is a thing of concern and they all seem to have their
problems with it. Facebook however got caught several times
failing to secure personal data. In this case again millions of
user datasets have been exposed using cloud services.

It seems Facebook also relies on Amazon Cloud services when it comes to data storage. UpGuard was able to retrieve unprotected datasets from users on Amazon’s Cloud Storage Servers. The problem is that this user data was entirely unprotected and publicly available.

So if someone wanted to fork through some private stuff, they’d have a possibility here which makes it even more difficult.

And if that all wouldn’t be bad enough, UpGuard says that there are 100’000 more databases spotted which could mean even more exposed user data publicly available while it shouldn’t.

Is Facebook trustworthy anymore?

We guess, not!

And if Facebook keeps on doing all these mistakes, their stock market value of 437 billion US$ might plummet down as fast as they grew!

April 4, 2019 Netspark - 1602 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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