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AMD reaching for Ultrabooks

2019 was already challenging for Intel when AMD
announced the 3rd Gen Threadripper series. Intel
hoped that this would have been the only attack
from AMD. But AMD shifts the next gear…

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January 9, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Back to normal operation

After a few tests, we can say that the blog now runs again
as desired. The scheduler for posting blogs on certain dates
works as intended after some trouble. We had to set up the
scheduler from scratch as something went wrong somewhere.

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January 8, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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The CES and new IoT gadgets

The CES is fully running till January 9th and there are
already a number of questionable IoT gadgets out there.
For example the toilet and shower head with integrated
Alexa connectivity built by Kohler (a U.S. brand).

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January 7, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Gadgets , News , Technology
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Back to work… here and in reality

We’re sorry for any inconvenience. A lot of posts haven’t
been automatically posted during our absence. Lots of
Missed schedules occurred leaving the posts in Scheduled
state. We need to investigate more into this.

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January 6, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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U.S. governmental website defaced

The reaction of the USA killing Ghassem Soleimani
did happen on saturday evening local time and the
Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) website
had a clear statement visible instead of the usual page.

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January 5, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :News , Politics , Thoughts
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Samsung to unveil 1000R displays at CES

The CES will open soon and every major brand is about
to show their newest inventions. Samsung for example
has a 49-inch gaming display monster which has a
1000R curve. This allows a way better gaming immersion.

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January 4, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Intel to fight 3rd gen Ryzen 9

Intel seems to fear the next-gen Ryzen series so
that they bring a new CPU lineup with higher
clock speeds. Also the TDP has been raised for some
types in order to achieve new top clock speeds.

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January 3, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Apple to sue Corellium

Corellium, known for software and OS virtualization
is facing a possible lawsuit from Apple for providing
ideas on how to circumvent the iOS security and also
allowing a jailbreak. A technique, Apple doesn’t like.

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January 2, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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Garfield – New Years Special 2020

Happy 2020 fellow readers. Hope you enjoyed the New Year’s
Eve as much as I did and you had a great party. Right to the
start of the new year, there are again Top 15 Garfield comics
to start the year with a good laugh! Have fun and enjoy!

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January 1, 2020Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Friends , Gallery , News , Thoughts
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This is it – Goodbye 2019!

So the old year is nearing the end. Hope you all
have achieved your goals and plans for 2019.
Time to prepare for 2020 and set up plans and
achievements for everyone of you to reach.

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December 31, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Australia on fire

While on the northern hemisphere there’s winter,
the southern hemisphere is summertime. Australia
has been struck with the hottest temperatures for
the last 50 years. this has consequences…

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December 30, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Nature , News , Thoughts
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Security in power plants

The 36th Chaos Computer Club summit is taking
place and there’s already the first horror message
around. According to Kaspersky, a widespread
control system from Siemens seems affected.

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December 29, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Christmas is done, New year coming

So while most of us already relax from the christmas
stress, some are still thinking of what to do with some
unwanted presents. Yes, also this year the amount of
presents gone wrong has raised. So what to do now?

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December 28, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Thoughts
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IoT and the future

The CES 2020 is just around the corner and first companies
already have plans of what to show in the new year’s
Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas which will open
from January 7th to January 10th 2020.

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December 27, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Gadgets , News , Technology
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Tesla will limit autonomy in the EU

The upcoming update delivered to all Tesla cars sold in the EU
will definitely not be very welcome. Tesla announced to limit
some features of their autonomous driving features. Among
these is the “Summon” function which brings the car to you.

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December 26, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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KABOOOM! NASA testing fuel tank!

What does it look like when a fuel tank used for space
rockets is bursting? The NASA has released a video of
a load test where the fuel tank is put under stress
with pressure 260% above nominal value.

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December 25, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Technology , Video
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Merry Christmas!

The team of Netspark’s blog wishes you merry christmas
and a pleasant quet time to replenish your power for the
new year. If you have holidays, enjoy them with your
beloved ones!

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December 24, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Internal , Thoughts
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MSE for Windows 7 will stay alive

The end of Windows 7 is near. On January 14, 2020
the official support for Windows 7 will end and end
users will no longer receive security updates for the
OS. MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) is not affected.

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December 23, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , News , Technology
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German cities target for Emotet & Co.

It seems as if german cities and public services are
more often a target for ransomware. Just few days ago
the city page of Frankfurt/Main has been taken down
as Emotet has infected the server systems the site is on.

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December 22, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Time lapse: When New York vanishes

What does it look like if a blizzard is heading towards
New York? A spectacular time lapse recording from
the One World Observatory (the visitor deck atop the
One World Trade Center) shows the white snow squall.

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December 21, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Facebook is always tracing you!

As an eager user of facebook, you’re always
using facebook on your smartphone as well.
Thinking of the security, you have already
disabled GPS tracking for facebook.

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December 20, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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New form of privacy breach?

Big brother is watching you! This is version 2.0 of
what privacy breach can be. Tianhong Li and his
colleagues at the MIT foud a way to make a visible
radiography of a building and make walls translucent.

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December 19, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Merger of Fiat-Chrysler and Peugeot!

As of today, the merger of Fiat-Chrysler Automotives (FCA)
and Peugeot is a closed deal! The 50-billion US$ deal will be
fully done within the next 12 to 15 months and the new alliance
will be the 4th largest car manufacturer worldwide.

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December 18, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Economy&Finance , News , Technology
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Update problems, no posts!

Sorry for any inconvenience the last days. The
bug devil has striked us again and the post
scheduling system refused to work properly.
This had the effect of no post releases recently.

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December 17, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Boeing halts production of 737MAX

It has been no good time for Boeing lately
especially with the 737MAX grounding due
to two plane crashes of that type causing
346 people to lose their lives.

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December 16, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Streaming causing high power usage

Streaming is a power consumer par excellence. The
EU commissioner Margrethe Vestager has warned that
streaming will be the reason for massive power usage
of the internet. Over 200 billion kWh will be used.

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December 15, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Nature , News , Politics , Science , Technology
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VW to build E-bus fleet for Qatar 2022

When it comes to autonomous driving, e-cars are first choice.
The Tesla has been the first e-car to offer semi-autonomous
driving using complex camera technology. But Tesla isn’t alone
when it comes to consideration of going autonomous driving.

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December 14, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Samsung to release new Galaxy Fold 2?

According to several news sites, there might be a big surprise on
February 18th, 2020 when Samsung is also releasing it’s newest
flagship phone, the Galaxy S11. Unlike it’s predecessor, the hardly
available Galaxy Fold, it’s display will be protected by glass.

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December 13, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Updates and up to date!

WordPress has just released a new version of it’s
CMS and we have installed it already. So all is fixed
what has been known of open bugs thanks to the
newest release of WordPress.

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December 13, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Surveillance camera hacked (IoT)

IoT is a fine ting, most people of us think.
Checking room temperature, switch lights
remotely or do a surveillance remotely
using internet-connected webcams.

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December 12, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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A PC for 60.000 Euros?

Well… when the sum is 60.000 Euros
(or 52.000 US$ in the USA), one would
think of an either exclusive PC with an
even more exclusive case.

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December 11, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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220 years ago the “mètre” was born

220 years ago the metric system found it’s way to
our modern life. Everything measured is based upon
the metric system however there are some countries
still using the imperial system (USA, Australia, UK)

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December 10, 2019Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (1 votes, average: 7.00 out of 7)
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