Downtime and maintenance
Even our blog sometimes has hiccups. That’s why
we need to stop all post processing and publishing.
On March 10th, 2020 there’s another check on the
installment behind this blog and error correction.
Even our blog sometimes has hiccups. That’s why
we need to stop all post processing and publishing.
On March 10th, 2020 there’s another check on the
installment behind this blog and error correction.
After a few tests, we can say that the blog now runs again
as desired. The scheduler for posting blogs on certain dates
works as intended after some trouble. We had to set up the
scheduler from scratch as something went wrong somewhere.
The team of Netspark’s blog wishes you merry christmas
and a pleasant quet time to replenish your power for the
new year. If you have holidays, enjoy them with your
beloved ones!
Hello and what’s up guys! we’re experiencing
technical difficulties and are investigating again.
News may be delayed till Tuesday of the upcoming
week as there’s a lot to do in the background.
Well, for us it’s some time off the computer so we’ve
scheduled some posts while we are not here to feed you
with the newest stuff. This also means we’re trusting the
newly set-up cron system in order to release the posts.
4K video is omnipresent, YouTube has it, other video portals also,
streaming services also deliver video quality up to UltraHD. So why
isn’t Netspark’s Blog publishing videos in 4K? Well, we’ll explain
why posts with embedded(!) video is not available in 4K.
Sometimes it’s necessary to sweep off the dust that
collects on a website or blog. We’re also undergoing
some major cleanup here and hope that you won’t
stumble upon dead links, broken pics and the like.
…for instance publish all posts that have been scheduled to
release on the weekend and some other glitches to iron out.
The life of us bloggers ain’t easy always but hey, if it were easy
all the time, where would be the challenge then?
Hey fellow readers. Maintenance has completed and we’re
back online on monday again. We could find the culprit of
our repeated downtime and disabled the plugins in
question. Actually we’re investigating with the developers.
If you ever thought, running a blog is a breeze and never
lets you run into problems, think again. Same here. We
experienced issues with the DB and some rogue plugins
flooding the DB with senseless stuff thus increasing size.
Unfortunately the blog wasn’t reachable the last three days.
Seems as if something has blocked the function of the
backend which also affected the publishing of articles we have
prepared for you. Hope all will be back now!
Hello there! You might have noticed that my blog is
probably taking longer to display the start page. That
is caused by the number of posts which have been
increased from 16 to 32. Thus representing 1 month!
As you might have noticed, there are more blog entries
coming up in short period of time. At first I had to etch
out some kinks with the underlaying blog system. But
now most of the kinks are gone. Ther will be some…
I have done the update on the microsite for Rendezvous Bern
already to match with the 2017 lightshow. The videos are in
conversion already and should be online in the upcoming days.
Please have patience as video conversion takes some time…
…what’s going on here. Yes, it has become quiet in the
last months here. Lots of work to do and still no time at
home to perform all the tasks I want to apply on this blog.
And then all these updates… doesn’t make things easier!
It took quite a while but now you have access to all Lightshows at Bundesplatz
Bern. The older videos have been remastered to ensure the quality is okay even
at Full HD. The new microsite will get a new addition as there’s a new lightshow
available. The next lightshow is already scheduled for October/November 2016.
For all those who wonder, why they see only a blank page on
Captain Campus’ site. The Captain is redesigning his blog. So stay tuned
when the new blog comes online again. It’ll take some days but I guess it’s
worth the wait!
Hey y’all! I know it’s been a long time since my last post here bt my work is
keeping me very busy lately and in the evening I retunrn home very
exhausted not willing to turn on the computer anymore or only to do some
online gaming! This blog’s still alive and will be as long as I keep my site!
So it’s time for an update. The webspace ran low and WordPress is bugging
me all time to finally do some update as my version is sorta outdated al-
though it is working fine for me. But for security reasons I finally gave in.
You may experience offline time in the next days due to server change.
The World Wide Web has lots of real useless crap on it, mostly spam! But
there alre also some gems out there which should be mentionned. That’s
why I take focus on Captain Campus’ blog today which will be a new source
for fun stuff filtered out for you. Welcome to the Blogger’s community, pal!
Rosiv decided to bring his blog back online to share his thoughts, ideas and
annotations with you. unlike my blog, his blog is written in german only. But
it’s still worthwhile to read and I can recommend it to you without any hesi-
tation. his blog will, like mine, deal with all kinds of topics.
Good day, fellas! Finally the maintenance is done. Several things have been
done, some with success, some have not been successful. Short summary is
that I optimized the database once more so that the blog will load fast with
less delay. The video implementation is still not working as intended.
Now tests are ongoing on how the plugin is performing. As there are several
video formats being used in the blog, not every plugin can be used. Also the
smart tags are of essential importance as the video smart tag is often used
and causing problems with other plugins.
Faith ain’t on my side when it comes to finding the right video embed plugin.
There have several plugins being tested. the result is either interference with
other plugins or the video playback isn’t working as intended. So the search
will go on until I find the right plugin for this blog.
While the search for a good plugin for video playback is still ongoing, the first
problems are already coming up. Most plugins still keep interfering with
other plugins, making it a real challenge to find a good video embedding
plugin. It’ll still take some time until all will work as intended.
The blog will be down for maintenance until at least January 7th, 2013. We
are going to engage a new video plugin that will allow video playback on
mobile devices without any hassle. The flash player plugin served well in the
past however on mobile devices it caused lots of trouble.
As you might have noticed, my blog was down for maintenance and did not
receive any updates during christmas time. Reason for this was a planned
database update in order to update to the most recent WordPress version.
Due to some problems a rollback had to be done as updates went wrong.
Even these days, multi-device homepages are a bit of a hassle and so I found
out that most of my video posts are not properly viewable on mobile phones
For instance we have the iPhone which seems to drop out on the video tags
trying to open the player.swf instead. also the iPhone can’t deal with FLV.
Hello people, my blog is back again. The downtime has based on the lack of
ability to process a payment for the webspace between two banks. After some
haggling and several phone calls, the two banks were finally able to process
my transaction without any unwanted surprises. Now I have peace for 1 year!
Fellow blog readers! I know you’re waiting for daily updates. But at the moment,
my smartphone is either on snail network or even having no network at all. The
lack of a free public WLAN doesn’t ease up things. So I decided to write the
articles offline and put them online as soon as I am back for good!
Heyya blog readers. I am now off for three weeks and thus, this blog may not
receive all updates in time. So don’t be afraid if one day there aren’t posts online
as I am not online very often. I guess most of you are n holidays anyways, so
this should not be of a great thing anyways. Enjoy your holidays!
Ever wondered about the QR-Tags that are visible to the left of my blog?
When you have someone around who wants to know what you’re reading
on my blog, let them have it instantly. No copy&Paste of the URL into
the other’s cell phone, no mail, no SMS. A QR scanner is all he/shee needs!