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Google buys Motorola cell phones!

Google has bought Motorola’scell phone division for approx 12.5 billion US$!
With this purchase, Google plans to give Android more support in the cell phone
market. As Motorola is working together with Google for a longer time now, this
step was only a logical conclusion. The name Motorola will still exist though!

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August 15, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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Blitz Chess…

How long does it take to set a human player checkmate with the fastest possible
combination of moves such as the Schäferzug? The fastest Game I know of between
two human Players was about 45 seconds. Today I was able to set a new personal
record on the iPhone where I ripped that pesky iPhone in 24(!) seconds!

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August 15, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Curiosities , Thoughts
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DJ Energy (+37) after Street parade gig!

As of today, it is known that DJ Energy has died after his last gig on the
Zurich Street Parade. It is not exactly clear what led to his death however one of his
friends brought him home after his gig as he started to spit blood and later suffered
from breathing problems. The emergency team could not revive him anymore.

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August 14, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Google+ soon to be like facebook?

Today I had to read that Google plans to integrate Games into their social net-
work. That’s another step to be like facebook what I don’t like that much as its
interface gets bloated more and more due to several “apps” that do various
actions. Besides that, I hate tons of requests for playing game XY…

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August 13, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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The decay of the North pole…

This topic has been issued many times on different tv shows, natural science
broadcasts, other media and the like. The problem is, that we cannot deny
the continuous decay of our arctc glaciers as they are reducing in size day
by day. The videos below show in what dimensions the glaciers decay…

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August 12, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Nature , Thoughts , Video
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Interesting way of cutting hair…

This way of hair-cutting is somewhat strange yet amusing to watch. Never
thought that someone would really use this rather unconventional way of
cutting hair. I myself would still prefer a coiffeur who uses scissors instead
of the tools used in the video. But watch and decide for yourself.

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August 12, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Shall I push the button…?

Well, today’s entry from me is not related to economy (which seems to have calmed
a bit anyways) or from computer-related topics (nothing new happened so far).
Today I am writing about people who tend to push buttons for no reason… in tramways
or buses for example… or in offices on computers or phones or other devices…

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August 11, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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60 days left… and still no idea!

I still wonder what i should do on my upcoming 33rd birthday. I still have no plans nor
an idea. and there’s only 60 days left to plan someting, prepare for it and possible guests
and the like. Holding a birthday party can be a real hassle but on the other hand you will
for sure have lots of fun later on. So I’d better start thinking about what to do…

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August 10, 2011Netspark 3 Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Friends , Ideas , Thoughts
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Google’s self-driving car involved in accident

What still sounds as science-fiction story, is already reality! Google has a car equipped
with GPS steering and video cameras as well as with distance sensors. This study car
has driven 225’000 kilometers without a crash on the Google campus that is also
connected to the public traffic. 3 days ago, it happened… the car crashed into another!

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August 9, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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What the €-Prompt…

When I stated 3 days ago that things would look grim but yet okay,I was wrong.
Today the stock markets have lost another 4 to 7% of their value. The market is
really upset and no one can deny it. Even the currencies have gone crazy as
hell. Was the Euro at 1.09 this morning, it lost until 1.05 at the current time.

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August 9, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Economy&Finance , News
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8-Bit, C64, Lego and Stop-Motion

On saturday I’ve shown you the largest and smallest stop-motion video. Today
I show you what I discovered and it is really amazing what a Commodore C64
can do in music, 2 guys can do with a camera and tons of LEGO bricks.
The good ol’ times… Have fun!

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August 8, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Fascinating volcanoes…

Today I stumbled over an article in 20 Minutes, showing a volcano on Hawaii.
Being very active the rather flat landside allows a spectacular view. As far as
the article states, there’s no danger for the local citizen. Also airplanes (if they
fly over this area) are not endangered as there’s almost no ash cloud present…

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August 7, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Stop-motion video records: Gulp! & Dot!

Today I saw an amazing stop-motion video on youtube after 20 Minuten has
announced a new record. Why is it so special, you may ask… Well, it has been
shot from a big pole crane 40m above ground using cell phones. Yep, you
read right, cell phones! (Nokia N8 to be exact). The results are beautiful!

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August 6, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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An epic novel: Finance Crisis 2011

Not that I am very pessimistic but on Tuesday the economic situation was already
pretty grim. But with the start into the weekend, things look worse as expected.
The Swiss Federal Bank’s intervention did not do much to weaken the Swiss franc
and other currencies seem to suffer from strange hickups, too…

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August 6, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Economy&Finance , News , Thoughts
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A word about computers and their OS…

Todays’ market mainly consists of three good OSses, namely Windows, MacOSX
and Linux. Probably you may wonder why I am speaking of these today and what
I have noticed during the last 20 years in which I have worked with computers so
far. My insight shall clearly state that I am not favoring only one of these!

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August 5, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Ideas , Thoughts
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Funny descriptions: Telefonspargel

Today I stumbled upon a new description for public phones. While they were usually
described as “pencil” or “yellow mobile toilet” and some other descriptions, the Deutsche
Telekom began dismounting the well-known phone booths and replace them with rather
windy phone pillars that allow everyone within 2 meters to hear what you’re saying…

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August 4, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Thoughts
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Google Chrome 13 with Pre-Rendering

Google is about to code the next major version of its famous browser. A new
feature of it’s website redering engine is “Pre-Rendering”. But what does it mean?
Google describes it as following:  “The browser keeps rendering pages in the
background as it thinks the user might view it as next browsing target”

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August 3, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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The currencies… again! But with changes

The last days have been very busy and the world economy is still bouncy.
The Euro, USD, GBP and JPY are probing new depths which worries the swiss finance
market much more. The Euro was about to hit the 1.08 line then instantly
(within 5 minutes) rose near 1.10 again…

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August 3, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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False parking… no big deal?!

Often seen, a big annoyance for residents of a certain area and flushes
big simoleans into the city’s funds. You might think: “What’s the big
deal with false parking? It brings me to a close spot for shopping, doing
my busines, etc. and if they catch me, I pay a higher parking fee…”

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August 3, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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3D gaming – then and now!

I think most of my readers my remember the times when 3D Games became
available on PC. We all remembered the moments when our expensive
500 DM card have been plugged into our PCs to be able to live 3D games
ourselves. So how has 3D Gaming changed within the past 15 years?

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August 2, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Financial Crisis in USA at an end?

As of today the U.S. Government has agreed to raise the debt level under the condition
to lower debts and state costs by 2.7 billion dollars within the next 10 years.
But as for now, the people seem very disappointed that the debt level raise will be a
reason for social and medical cutbacks and a possible tax raise…

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August 1, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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National Day August 1st

Today is the Swiss national Day: But what exactly was on the first day of August?
This historical specific date marked the initial beginning of the Swiss
confederacy. Earler, namely in 1291, a significant event has been held at
that specific date that has been remembered with a national holiday until today.

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August 1, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Houston… we have a crisis!

Today it seems that something has again upset the financial markets. At exactly 14:34
the dollar suddenly crashed below 0.80 swiss francs and took two more steps with approx
0.0010 swiss francs within 5 minutes. I thought, it could have been a temporary bump
and relax in the meantime…

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July 29, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Countries and their debts…

As you might already know, the world economy is very upset…
Bad messages every day about some country facing a complete
financial bankruptcy or at least payment difficulties and the cry
for help…

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July 28, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Google and Munich S-Bahn…

…how do they relate? You may say: One can spot Munich from
atop via Google Maps and try to find all S-Bahn trainstations…
True but as of today, another service from Deutsche Bahn has
reached Internet era.

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July 27, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Cufón and WordPress…

…or how you can style your blog and make a specific view available to your people.
One of the issues of HTML or generally the internet is, that HTML displays the fonts
you have installed on your computer. So if you use for example Segoe UI (delivered
with Windows Vista/Seven, a user with XP or other OS might probably not see your font.

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July 26, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Ideas , News
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32GB – Top of space on microSD?

As you probably know, microSD cards are the smallest known memory cards ever available.
With its 15mmx11mm size at a thickness of 0.7mm it is very small and still these cards can
hold up to 32GB of data. Reading speeds of up to 20MB/s and Writing speeds of up to 16 MB/s
make these little fellas a very good alternative to conventional SD cards.

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July 25, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , News
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Terrorism in Norway?

As you probably have noticed, there was a terrible act of violence in Oslo.
It seems as if some crazy guy wanted to bomb down the entire government district in Oslo.
For me, the 32 years old Anders Behring B. is nothing more than an ill-minded man who
took life of more then 170 innocent persons.

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July 25, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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R.I.P. – Amy Winehouse (+27)

Today, the news have spread the word that Amy Winehouse has been found dead in her
house in London. After some investigation it seems that the 27-years-old singer has died
of an overdose of drugs. Speculations say that she wanted to kill her heartache (maybe
she had a new love who left her due to whatever reason…

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July 23, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Cleanup on aisle 4…

…or when you notice that your blog is a total mess on mobile devices!
Yesterday I noticed that my blog is really heavy-loading on mobile devices so I decided
to do some overhaul on my blog and trimming all my posts into two-sectioned posts using
the “More…” tag! As you can see, the blog now loads ways faster and shows a short intro…

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July 23, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Ideas , Thoughts
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Check, Mate!

Again I had to wait for a Test-Computer to be prepared for installation of a test application.
While waiting, I decided to play Chess again and trying to bone the AI again.
As it is rather difficult to gain six Queens AND NOT to Stalemate the AI.
Stalemate means that the opponent can’t make a move without being checked.

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July 22, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Curiosities
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Ever wanted to know…

…where all those airplanes you see on the sky are going to?
I always wondered about the immense amount (spotting almost 5 or 6 planes on the sky
above Bern on a busy day!). More and more modern planes are equipped with a special
GPS sender that allows them to send their position to the different ground controls.

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July 20, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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