Farewell Windows 7
Windows 7 support officially ended yesterday and
with it a truly good time of one operating system as
reliable as good ol’ Windows XP. Since today only
customers with ESU subscription will receive updates.
Windows 7 support officially ended yesterday and
with it a truly good time of one operating system as
reliable as good ol’ Windows XP. Since today only
customers with ESU subscription will receive updates.
Yesterday the official support for Windows 7
ended and with it the official support for an
OS that served us well for over ten years. But
Microsoft delivered one last important patch!
Office, Microsoft, Cloud. Three words that are a
trigger when it comes to privacy and safety of your
private data. It seems as if Microsoft is going to
improve data protection… but not for all!
After two pulls Microsoft has finally released Build 1809
for download for everyone. However this update isn’t
shown automatically and you have to manually trigger
the installation via Windows Update!
Back in 1995 Westwood has released the second member of the
famous Command & Conquer series. With Command & Conquer
being a full success the second part was just a logical consequence
and reading about the remaster makes me wanna relive that era!
Windows 7 is still omnipresent in most offices around
the world. The reason is that all these offices refuse
to replace a perfectly good-running OS with Windows 10
as it also means to change the common software library.
14 years have passed and World of Warcraft still can make
us spend several hours hunting monsters and clearing
dungeons. With the newest Addon beingg released soon,
also the newest Patch has already been rolled out.
As you might have noticed, I haven’t been posting for quite
a while now. Reason for this is that work and freetime in
summer consume a lot of time which means that my computer
is off most of the time.
For some years, FullHD was the sufficient resolution for many areas
of entertainment, be it PC gaming, TV or console gaming. the PC
community however has evolved faster than the others and soon
2560×1600 became state of the art, also called 3K.
Funny enough to see that it takes 2 minor releases ’til Microsoft recognizes
that you’d better not change a running system. While Windows 8 is a real
goalgetter on tablets and touchscreen notebooks, it cannot get ground on
stationary PCs and classic notebooks. Win7 makes it’s rounds there.
According to some sources, it seems as if Microsoft has recognized that the
tiles surface isn’t everybody’s taste. That’s true and there are many people
who avoid upgrading to Windows 8 for the very same reason. Even I do not
update to Windows 8 as I don’t like the tiles and the “flat” windows style.
Apple has done many lawsuits in the past. And one was about their logo where
it was hard for me to find similarities that may infringe with patents or copy-
rights of the Apple company in Cupertino (read here). This time I think, they’ve
gone too far! A small tea room owner got sued for her logo she has patented.
Todays’ market mainly consists of three good OSses, namely Windows, MacOSX
and Linux. Probably you may wonder why I am speaking of these today and what
I have noticed during the last 20 years in which I have worked with computers so
far. My insight shall clearly state that I am not favoring only one of these!
…or how I got into a really annoying trip to munich again. Annoying because of the fact
that I had to deal with the bad reliability of the german railsystem… AGAIN!
And the other fact that I also left my cell phone in Bern made this an even more challenging
trip. How did my trip end up? Read the full story: