Quicktime 7 has reached it’s end
Quicktime facing end of life soon. Apple dropping
32bit-Support in MacOS thus cutting off Quicktime,
Cinepak, Radium and DivX video codec support.
This means 64bit-capable codes are the only choice.
Quicktime facing end of life soon. Apple dropping
32bit-Support in MacOS thus cutting off Quicktime,
Cinepak, Radium and DivX video codec support.
This means 64bit-capable codes are the only choice.
14 years have passed and World of Warcraft still can make
us spend several hours hunting monsters and clearing
dungeons. With the newest Addon beingg released soon,
also the newest Patch has already been rolled out.
Where the Mozilla project has dropped the 64bit support on
Firefox, a small team of developers has picked up the idea
again to release the newest version of firefox in 64bit. This
Firefox fork has the Social API included.