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Posts Tagged ‘logo’

Edge browser gets new logo

Hidden behind a small online scavenger hunt, Microsoft
has revealed the new logo that will be visible when using
the revamped Edge Browser. In the past, Edge wasn’t very
popular or used much although it was better than IE.

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November 8, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Apfelkind and Apple: Agreement in sight?

After 14 months it seems as if the small family cafe in Bonn, Germany finally
can stick to their logo without having to fear the wrath of the computer
and smartphone primus Apple. In October 2011, the owner of the small café
in Bonn got a not-so-friendly letter from Apple’s attorneys at law.

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February 7, 2013Netspark 2 Comments »
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Apple… you can’t be serious!

Apple has done many lawsuits in the past. And one was about their logo where
it was hard for me to find similarities that may infringe with patents or copy-
rights of the Apple company in Cupertino (read here). This time I think, they’ve
gone too far! A small tea room owner got sued for her logo she has patented.

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October 27, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Logi… WHAT?!? – Logicool?

When browsing on Wikipedia and reading an article on Palto Alto, CA, I also
stumbled over Logitech who have a headquarter in Palo Alto. So I thought,
hey, why not read about Logitech once in a while. During my reading I noticed,
that in Japan, Loitech seems to be “Logicool” and thought of a plagiarism.

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October 13, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Apple vs. Fangguo Food…

You may ask now what the heck is going on? Apple against the rest of the
World? If you read articles like this one, you may think exactly the above.
In this case, Apple says, the Logo of the food company looks too similar to
the well-known Apple logo. For me, it looks more similar to the LG logo…

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September 8, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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