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The world’s most steep rollercoaster…

…can be now found in the Fuji Q theme park in in Fujiyoshida,
Yamanashi, Japan. With it’s astonishing 121 degress drop, you’re
short-term bit overhead rushing down from ~57 metres and
approaching the rest of the coaster with a speed of approx 100 km/h (65mph)!

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July 20, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Interesting optical illusion

Our eyes are subject to optical illusions. Nothing new
as there are famous people like M.C.Escher who made
impressive optical illusions like the neverending waterfall
or the endless steps. With videos you can do similar things.

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July 19, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Funny stuff you can do with an iPhone

iPhone here, iPhone there. Some people might say that
it is boring to read about Apple’s wonder device, being
owned by more than 20 million people every day. But
did you know about the funny things about it’s camera?
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July 18, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Finally on Google+

Last but not least I am also part of the Google+ community. Why, you ask?
Because my other friends have done so, too and being recently informed by local news that
there’s a new facebook killer on the way garnished with a demo.
What shows up now seems to be a potential facebook alternative…

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July 18, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Should one be worried about the Euro?

As you can see, the Euro is undergoing some loss of value compared to the Swiss Franc.
So is the Dollar and other currencies aswell.
But what makes the Swiss Franc so extremely strong compared to the other currencies?
Is it Switzerland with it’s well-known banks or some other factor?

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July 18, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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iPhone PWNED… again!

Again I had to wait for an application to finish maintenance on my workstation.
So I decided to play chess again. Funny to see, how the iPhone can loose at medium settings:
I think, the AI seems to be either very dumb (easy), not deep-analyzing (medium) or a real
pain in the a** when using a higher difficulty setting as it analyzes every move (hard).

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July 8, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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If you ever wondered…

…what a sandstorm is like, you will find this video quite interesting.
All I can say that it is sort of scary and can be dangerous to drive.
Never thought, that it can get so dark inside…
Anyway… I, myself, would not want to get into such a sandstorm at all!

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July 6, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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A new lake discovered…

…in Zurich-Altstetten, Switzerland!
 It appears that a rather big waterpipe has burst and spilt millions
of liters of water into the streets of Zurich. Yet impressive to look
at, it also means big loss for insurance companies!

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July 6, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Very nasty wakeup call

You probably do not want to get awake like this.
But for the gal of this guy it seems rather normal
to wake him up with kinda strange methods!
I, myself would not want to be woken up like this!

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July 6, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Things that could hurt…

Especially buttered floors can be very painful. This gal of the young man in
the shower had the glorious idea to butter the floor while he’s in the shower
whistling and having no idea what awaits him when he’s done showering!
Funny to watch yet I’d consider not playing this trick on your close ones!

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June 25, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Nokia still not with Steve on the run?

As today, Nokia seems to have decided to bring out another new cellphone that is not
yet using Windows Phone 7.
Instead, the N9, as Nokia calls it’s newest development, comes with MeeGo 1.2
(Codename Harmattan) and thus with an already known OS that has given life to the N900.

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June 21, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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The endless hunt for the top!

The new Top500-list of the 500 fastest supercomputers in the world is out now and the
Japanese domain the top again!
How did they do that? Well, read the full article about their new wonder machine, it’s
specs and technical data…

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June 20, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Houston… we’ve got a drunk

Usually concerts are something great one would
be looking forward to go on. Good music an adored
singer cool light show good sound… However it
depends on whose concert you are.

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June 20, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Yikes! Strange laws in the USA:

I thought that law in USA has strange situations such as not being allowed to ride horses
in an office building or not being allowed to spank your wife with a wooden rod thicker
than your indexing finger or 1cm…
This here tops it all…

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June 17, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Video of the day…

Russia is always known to have curious things… but when you expect a
water tap to spend water but instead “drinks” the water out of your glass,
then you can say, it’s somewhat strange. However I am not yet able to say
what causes the tap to “drink” the water but I think, there might be some…

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June 15, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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A bad way to start the morning…

What do Karlsplatz (Stachus) in Munich and Zytglogge in Bern have in common?
They’re both famous places as they have well-known landmarks on them.
Good point, but they have also something else in common. It can’t be the size as
Karlsplatz (Stachus) is way bigger than Zytglogge… so what can it be?

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June 15, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Funny stuff… for the friday!

To sweeten up the beginning of the weekend for all of you, I am
presenting you another funny video bit I discovered on YouTube.
If you take time to chop a tree in order to steal a bike, then better
check, if you’re alone and don’t do it when you’re being watched!!!

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June 10, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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When you’re forced to wait…

…for your computer at work to reboot and install some software.
While waiting for my Computer at work to restart and doing some maintenance,
I decided to play a quick round of chess at medium setting. I did quite well…

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June 9, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Nintendo did it again… finally!

Yesterday, Nintendo revealed their new game console, called the Wii U,
to the public on the E3 in Los Angeles.
What will come to us looks outrageously promising:

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June 8, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Dangerous, yet beauty Volcanoes…

Volcanoes are somewhat strange world occurencies. They tend to be calm or
being some very active beasts that can devastate entire isles. Those that are not
calm but also not too ferocius seem to be very impresive nature spectacles.
While browsing, I stumbled over an imressive video that shows a recently

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June 7, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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World of computers and modding…

…and their curiosities!
Today while reading my news sites about what’s new in the computer scene, I stumbled
over some rather strange pictures. The made me think only this: What the F…-prompt!
If you think, CPU cooling is going to reduce in Size as the chip structure is being reduced,

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June 6, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Must be my lucky time…

…or how I got into a really annoying trip to munich again. Annoying because of the fact
that I had to deal with the bad reliability of the german railsystem… AGAIN!
And the other fact that I also left my cell phone in Bern made this an even more challenging
trip. How did my trip end up? Read the full story:

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June 6, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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What modern life brought us to!

later today I stumbled upon another, rather disgusting picture in our local newspaper.
I thought, what the heck is this??? And I decided to read the linked blog…
What I’ve seen there was really disgusting and I only thought: Hopefully they’re not going
to bring such food to Europe…

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June 1, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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April’s fool? Are we 2 months late?

Reading my favourite computer tech site today, I stumbled over a really interesting article
that made me also think about the current world situation.
As wars are currently striking on Libya, Syria and some other african countries, the
following linked article made me really thinking and also brought up some uncomfyness!

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June 1, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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My Toshiba Satellite 5200…

Believe it or not: Usually, Noteboos are supposed to be outlived by their data storages (HDD).
In my case the good old notebook (now 8 years old!) has outlived the second HDD!
Now installed WinXP new from scratch and typing this blog entry by now.
Sad but true that the f***ed HDD was a Samsung HDD which are usually known as being very

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May 24, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Funny Pranks

Things you’d better not do at your community or you consider cleaning the mess afterwards!
However the preparations are made very detailed and carefully…
So if you want to have a laugh or two, you might find the following video an inspiration
for a new prank…

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May 23, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Almost summer, lots of work…

…but still time to relax

Well… Currently sitting in Starbucks, enjoying a strawberry&cream Frappé and thinking
about my vacation starting on friday…

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May 11, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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Blogs and their behaviour…

When the big Web2.0 sympathy began and all these social networks offered ppl to track
their life online, also known as “blogging”, I did not instantly adapt to this technique.
But in today’s time it can be very interesting to look back, what you have done in the past.
With the help of some software (in this case WordPress), blogging never became easier.

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May 11, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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…after some several kinks with subdomaining, domaining, whatever…

Sometimes things ain’t that easy as they are promoted… it’s all trial and error!
Last but not least I got WordPress to work and with it a (hopefully) easy-to-manage blog.

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May 10, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Happy 30th, fella!

Today a good friend of mine celebrates his 30th birthday and I am also invited.
Better start to get my luggage packed and prepare to get to Munich asap!
Stay tuned when I update this entry about how the party was!
*** Update on June, 8th, 2011 ***

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May 5, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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