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Posts Tagged ‘sun’

Searing heat and no end of it…

The weather is merciless. For weeks the
temperature is always above 30 degrees
and it doesn’t look like it’s going to end
soon. But some refreshment would be good!

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August 19, 2018Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Nature , Thoughts
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Railroad track cooling in Italy

Ever wondered why the tracks of the railroads in Italy?
are painted in white? One might guess it’s for anti-rust,
others might think of better visibility for trespassers.
But the reason is much more simple and also clever…

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August 6, 2018Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Architecture , Curiosities , Ideas , Technology , Thoughts
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Sunday – Hike day!

Sorry if you didn’t get any news or posts today but I
was out on a hike tour to enjoy the good weather
and fresh air. But I won’t hide that from you so here’s
a panorama picture of the view I had today!

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July 29, 2018Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (1 votes, average: 7.00 out of 7)
FILED UNDER :Nature , Thoughts
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Longest bloodmoon duration!

This year it will be the longest bloodmoon duration
visible in Europe. With about 103 minutes the
bloodmoon will be perfectly visible long enough to
even take awesome photoshots while the moon gets red!

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July 26, 2018Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 7)
FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Nature , News , Thoughts
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The weather and what’s wrong

snowflakeThe weather has somehow strange flows. While in 2012
the May-weather has spiked into 30-degrees regions,
in 2013 the tmperatores have mostly stayed below 15
degrees celsius which is far below the average medium.

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May 30, 2013Netspark No Comments »
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Circumhorizontal arc over Zurich

A natural phenomenon like this is very rare to see. But when it happens, it
is so spectacular that one, who never has seen anything like this, is so
amazed, that interesting pictures are taken. Showing you six pictures may
give you the idea what it is. I’ll explain a little further, when this happens.

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June 14, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Nature
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Autumn and winter at the same time?

Impossible, you say? Well, seems not. In Switzerland at higher exposed locations, the
temperatures have dropped below zero. Snow fell down under 1000 metres and in some
locations, the fresh snow amount was 70 cm and up. A cold wave from the north brought
polar air to the south over Europe and temperatures have dropped by 15 to 25 °C.

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October 10, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Crazy weather…

Just 2 days ago I juiced out at 34 °C barely knowing how to cool down except to take a cold
shower or drink cold water and today the news spread that temperatures may fall by 20 °C
that also leads to snowfalls in the more exponented areas such as mountain passes or higher
situated villages such as Davos for example.

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August 26, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Nature , News , Thoughts
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With the buckboard on tour

Today I was on tour on a buckboard thru Badenweiler and Niederweiler.
The Tour started at the hotel I am staying in and ended the same place after a
pleasant 2 hours ride. The tour was very relaxing and led thru grass plains hills and
wine fields. Very astounding and nice to look at!

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August 23, 2011Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (No Ratings Yet)
FILED UNDER :Friends , Nature , Thoughts
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News from the relaxing One…

Today, monday, it’s only one more day, till I return home to Bern again.
With that I am relaxed to the maximum possible. Let alone the lots of sun I could get
and temperatures between 28 to 32 degrees Celsius. Where my colleague from work
…had rainy and cold weather, when he was in his holidays the last 2 weeks!

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August 22, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Ideas , Nature , Thoughts
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Almost summer, lots of work…

…but still time to relax

Well… Currently sitting in Starbucks, enjoying a strawberry&cream Frappé and thinking
about my vacation starting on friday…

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May 11, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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