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Posts Tagged ‘relaxing’

Easter holidays

And some time for Netsspark to relax and gain Power for the upcoming work
time. Wish you a nice easter holidays and relaxing days. Enjoy the days off and
don’t forget to set your clocks tonight one hour forward! Summertime’s coming!
At least from the calendar side as the weather isn’t spreading any warm feeling!

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March 30, 2013Netspark No Comments »
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Another bday… this time – Kamila ;)

Today, my bro’s wife celebrates her 31st birthday
So that’s why I ain’t home again but at my bro’s
place in order to participate. Quite chilling, fun
relaxing, as we’re playing Bowling on PS3,

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September 3, 2011Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (No Ratings Yet)
FILED UNDER :Family , Ideas
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News from the relaxing One…

Today, monday, it’s only one more day, till I return home to Bern again.
With that I am relaxed to the maximum possible. Let alone the lots of sun I could get
and temperatures between 28 to 32 degrees Celsius. Where my colleague from work
…had rainy and cold weather, when he was in his holidays the last 2 weeks!

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August 22, 2011Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (No Ratings Yet)
FILED UNDER :Ideas , Nature , Thoughts
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