Merry Christmas!
Hello everyone! The team of Netspark’s blog wishes
you a merry christmas and some quiet days. Enjoy
the days at home with your beloved ones and a lot
of presents for everyone of you!
Hello everyone! The team of Netspark’s blog wishes
you a merry christmas and some quiet days. Enjoy
the days at home with your beloved ones and a lot
of presents for everyone of you!
Lions are known to be wild beasts that can rip a fully-gron man into pieces
with ease. But what happens if a lion grows up in a human family and then
released into wilderness after many, many years? This video shows: Even
wild beasts have a memory and remember whom they can trust!
Something to do on weekends when not being stressed out at maximum? Chilling for
example or doing housekeeping stuff. Or maybe also meeting familiy/friends? Well,
whatever the decision is of what to do, one could be grateful if he gets the chance to do so.
Time will get more valuable each day passes by. Had to notice it myself…
I bet you have wondered why it became so silent on my blog where every day
had at least one entry. Well… I had a very sad moment on Tuesday, October
18th when my dad died very surprisingly almost at noon to Tuesday. Therefore
I was in mourning for the last week and decided not to blog for that time.
Today, my bro’s wife celebrates her 31st birthday
So that’s why I ain’t home again but at my bro’s
place in order to participate. Quite chilling, fun
relaxing, as we’re playing Bowling on PS3,