Sniffles time again
Seems as if catching a cold becomes easier again
as the temperatures fall. So if updates are sparse here
it’s because Netspark is ill in bed and trying to cure the
cold to be fit again. Some posts may appear delayed.
Seems as if catching a cold becomes easier again
as the temperatures fall. So if updates are sparse here
it’s because Netspark is ill in bed and trying to cure the
cold to be fit again. Some posts may appear delayed.
The weather has somehow strange flows. While in 2012
the May-weather has spiked into 30-degrees regions,
in 2013 the tmperatores have mostly stayed below 15
degrees celsius which is far below the average medium.
Returning from CeBIT not only brought me new knowledge about today’s
technologies but also took me down for some cold… Now I have to hit the bed
for some another days to get well again. I am sorry for the missing posts of
March 9 to 11 – they’re queued as they’re not yet ready. Will work on them later!
I am sorry that the news had a longer time until release as I was ill and hardly
used the PC. So that’s why all messages have been released today. Hopefully the
cold won’t catch me again. Wasn’t nice at all laying in bed freezing like hell tho
the room itself was warm. That’s Wintertime! The possibility to get ill is there!
So the game develops an interesting taste when you move along with friends
decimating the numerous foes that follow you and stop you from reaching
Diablo. But it’s not as easy as usual. The foes get stronger with each party
member that joins your game. So no more standalone-bashing.
Well, so there we are. Holidays, and no sun in sight. Typically for when you’re
off work. It cooled down 12 degrees in Bern within the last 12 hours. And
when I woke up I had to notice that snow was falling. At first I thought
“There must be something wrong” – But when I went outside, I felt the cold air.
The sky is gray, the temperature far below “cozy” outside, not much snow and the obligate
lateness of some public transportation vehicles due to some technical glitches such as
blocked doors, non-working panels, and outside, the track switches. Seems, that’s most
common for wintertime. Anyways it’s about to get warmer in the upcoming week.
This weekend I am going to Munich again and also see a good friend of mine who celebrates
his 30th birthday. Odd to see some frosting in a train car that is heated up to felt 25°C. Due
to the lack of a stable cell network and the repeated non-working status of the local cell
networks I’ll upload the pictures later on. Funny to see the snow blowing into the coach.
Well, I must say, i love winter! As most as the other seasons! But what I really hate is
coldness below the magical -10 °C spot. The sibiric air stream that transports cold air to
most parts of Europe has made the thermometer to freeze in and and many facilities to
fail working properly. Amongst these are public transportation and other public services.
It seems that the winter finally wants to show teeth to us. Has the January been too warm
(approx. 4 degrees over the average meridian), so are temperatures rarely breaking the
-10 degrees barrier in the upcoming days. Metereologists say it isn’t too uncommon for
February to be that cold, however it is uncommon after such a warm January.
All you’ve got to do is to fork out about 65’000 simoleons. Quite expensive
but the 12 days travel includes a first-class catering, a three-hours dive to the
wreck with a show-around and after the dive you get back to a hotel to enjoy
the rest of the vacation with a real luxury lunch and all it takes around.
Well… it’s december now but when you look outside, the green meadows and
rather warm temperatures don’t make you feel the winter coming at all. Now
while Switzerland usually tends to have the first snow in November-beginning
this year the snow has some hold-up. Maybe a hint from global warming?
You all know this. It’s around mid of November and the environment
starts to be everyday in grey. Cold temperatures of about 5
degrees, fog, moist and slippery sidewalks make you wanna
sleep all day long. Also it’s the time where the most projects run.
Just 2 days ago I juiced out at 34 °C barely knowing how to cool down except to take a cold
shower or drink cold water and today the news spread that temperatures may fall by 20 °C
that also leads to snowfalls in the more exponented areas such as mountain passes or higher
situated villages such as Davos for example.
You probably do not want to get awake like this.
But for the gal of this guy it seems rather normal
to wake him up with kinda strange methods!
I, myself would not want to be woken up like this!