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Boring cold Monday…

The sky is gray, the temperature far below “cozy” outside, not much snow and the obligate
lateness of some public transportation vehicles due to some technical glitches such as
blocked doors, non-working panels, and outside, the track switches. Seems, that’s most
common for wintertime. Anyways it’s about to get warmer in the upcoming week.

Even rain shall follow, resulting in a meltdown of the rest of the snow that’s left so far. However the shlithering on the roads may be a very interesting spectacle as the ground is deepfrozen. Rain+heavily frozen ground=best preferences for an ice-covered ground. Let’s see if there’s more chaos ahead of us.

Anyways I caught myself gaming at home and thus being seen in Azeroth more and more again. That’s the best thing you could do when it’s cold outside. The temperatures aren’t much inviting for a prolonged stay outside.

Rarely it’s that boring that I don’t even know what to write about on my blog…

February 13, 2012 Netspark - 1600 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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