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Easter holidays and snow

Well, so there we are. Holidays, and no sun in sight. Typically for when you’re
off work. It cooled down 12 degrees in Bern within the last 12 hours. And
when I woke up I had to notice that snow was falling. At first I thought
“There must be something wrong” – But when I went outside, I felt the cold air.

So that’s why I keep to my principle: “Weather’s only bad when I’m off work!”

Colleagues from Munich also told me that they had 6cm snow in the last 12 hours. Here in Interlaken, where I actually am, it starts snowing already!

Despite that, I wish everybody nice easter holidays. Have some relaxing days.

Interlaken and easter snowfall

April 8, 2012 Netspark - 1597 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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