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December… warmth, lack of snow…

Well… it’s december now but when you look outside, the green meadows and
rather warm temperatures don’t make you feel the winter coming at all. Now
while Switzerland usually tends to have the first snow in November-beginning
this year the snow has some hold-up. Maybe a hint from global warming?

I know there are many people who dislike the cold white scenery. Well, that’s for everybody to decide for themselves. I like all of the seasons tho the autum makes you feel somehwat depressive with all the grey days. Winter yet enchants the scenery with it’s white gleam and silence therefore ongoing. But also Spring and summer are seasons, you’d not want to miss. While some people welcome the idea of having all-time summer (caribbean area, Florida etc.), other people yould get fed up with all-time summer. Mee too! Hot temperatures that make you sweat all day and (what I hate most) all night. I remember a 4 days stay in Schwarzwald where temperatures have risen above 35 degrees celsius and stayed over 30 degrees even at night. No slight wind… hot hot hot. Sure, the sun made it all good and you’d rather not spend your holidays with all rain. But on the other hand if you haven’t slept for days well as you couldn’t sleep with so high temperatures in your room, the high temps start to sicken you!

Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I need my four seasons…

However this year it looks rather grimm with winter. Although they have announced snow fall borderlines to drop below 500m in the following days, they also forecast the raise of it in the next words. Crazy weather… indeed.

However I still have the hope that we’ll get a white christmas…

My friends in Munich still have to wait for the snow. The weather forecasts say that temps won’t drop below zero for the next 7 days… only gray and rain is about to come. Typical for autumn…

In Toronto, the temps will sink below zero in the next 4 days. Maybe time for snow there? Who knows…

December 5, 2011 Netspark - 1602 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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