The weather and what’s wrong
The weather has somehow strange flows. While in 2012
the May-weather has spiked into 30-degrees regions,
in 2013 the tmperatores have mostly stayed below 15
degrees celsius which is far below the average medium.
So the question is, what’s wrong with our weather or why is the temperature so low albeit our climatic zone is not equal to the temperatures we’re actually having.
But how can the clima be influenced positively? The current influence is far from good. The industry is pumping lots of CO2 into the atmosphere and all the cars and busses, let alone the trucks are doing their best to raise the CO2 exhaust much more. On the other side, the environment has to suffer from more and more wood cut leaving big gaps in the green lung that keeps CO2 being processed into oxygene which is the life elixir of all life forms on earth.
Now you might ask why I complain about this. Okay, I, myself ain’t much of an ecologic geek trying to save the environment much but I still keep thinking about the ecologic change.
When I was at 3.500m height last week, to be exact, the Jungfraujoch, where climatic research is done, it is freightening that even at this heights, glaciers can melt down and reduce in size, controlling our weather way down below.
The beautiness of the Jungfraujoch is still dazzling and enchanting, but ask yourself: How long may this miracle be active as the temperature changes worldwide are raising and reducing the possibility of real winters.
Sure, the May is cod and ways below average. But if you compare 2013’s values to these 20 years ago, you might be surprised to see that the values have all raised.
And can we do something about it? I guess, no. The technology has evoluted so fast and doesn’t allow much changes these days. But when it comes to weather and ecology, even the most modern technology tends to fail in contributing positively to cange the clima in a positive way.
As long as mankind i thinking, all is average or okay, why think about changes? True but it’ not about us living ones alone. What about our upcoming generation that is feeding us thru our old days? Waht will we leave them for living? A destroyed and devastated world, offering no possibilites of gaining food or living esentials?
Analysts say that Earth is stil vital and not suffering any problems for the ucoming 50 to 100 years, but for 22nd century, the future looks grim. And I can’t deny it. If we keep on destroying and robbing the planet in the ame speed as we currently do, Earth won’t make it long until the change of clima and weather kicks in big time. And then, it won’t be much livable for us humans!
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