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Posts Tagged ‘Kids’

Tom&Jerry censored by Putin

Nothing much to laugh for kids in the russian Federation. All in the name
of saving their children from “bad influence”. What sounds sort of crazy
has become true just recently in Russia. Besides Tom and Jerry, there are
already The Simpsons off the Air and Winnie The Poo Bear.

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September 3, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Present time!

So… did you all get your awaited presents? I bet most of you did and most of you opened
them yesterday evening unlike the usual tradition. But hey, that’s the impatience of today’s
kids! I wonder what happens if you tell your kids to wait until December 25th to open their
presents. How do you handle christmas present time? Do your kids open them today?

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December 25, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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The FSK has now entered the internet…

Now it finally happened… It seems as if the German Self-Regulatory Body for
for the legally regulated protection of minors has entered the Internet. In
times, where swearing language, pornography and violence is omnipresent
also in social networks, newsportals and the like, this signet may now also…

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September 20, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Curiosities , News , Thoughts
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Yikes! Strange laws in the USA:

I thought that law in USA has strange situations such as not being allowed to ride horses
in an office building or not being allowed to spank your wife with a wooden rod thicker
than your indexing finger or 1cm…
This here tops it all…

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June 17, 2011Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (No Ratings Yet)
FILED UNDER :Curiosities , News
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