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Posts Tagged ‘fire’

This gets hot.. hot… HOT!

Haircuts can also be done without scissors. African
hairstyles for example are made using fire instead.
But if something gets out of control, well, then even
the ever-so-professional hair stylist will panic!

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May 19, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Fun , Thoughts , Video
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Notre Dame in Paris severely damaged!

Yesterday a fire shortly after 7p.m. broke out in the
cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. The legendary
landmark lost it’s iconic spire and the cathedral as
whole took a lot of damage.

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April 16, 2019Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (1 votes, average: 7.00 out of 7)
FILED UNDER :Architecture , News , Video
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Fire tornado in Swadlincote, UK

In Swadlincote, UK a fire tornado was spotted and held on video
during a factory burndown. The firemen brought the fire under
control after 12 hours. During their attempts to put the fire down,
they made the following spectacular video. Impressive and dangerous!

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August 8, 2018Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (1 votes, average: 6.00 out of 7)
FILED UNDER :Nature , News , Thoughts , Video
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When the four elements strike…

It’s always a spectacle to see nature live. Especially when
danger is around the corner. As essential these elements
are for our life, they can quickly take the very same from
us if they unleash the full power on us.

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July 17, 2018Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (2 votes, average: 6.50 out of 7)
FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Thoughts , Video
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When tornado meets fire…

Nature always has spectacular moments. But when two phenomenons
meet, then it’s good when you’re equipped with a camera. In this case,
a bushfire has started in Australia and caused the air to twirl up forming
a tornado. The fire itself uses the funnel to climb up into the smoke clouds.

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September 19, 2012Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (No Ratings Yet)
FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Nature , Video
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Don’t mess with the cops – NYPD

Another news just came in. When you have ruffle with the police, you’d better
not screw with the cops. In Harlem, a young man has been striked down with
not less than 84 bullets! The man has been put on file for potential murder of a
13 years old girl he is supposed to have shot. Domestical turbulences…

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April 27, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Uncategorized
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10 years ago, the USA at war…

Today, it is 10 years since the attack on the twin towers in New York and the
Pentagon. It was the most horrible situation, the USA had to face. The attack
cost 2977 people their lives. When the planes crashed into the
towers, no one before would have expected anything like that!

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September 11, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Thoughts , Video
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Interesting way of cutting hair…

This way of hair-cutting is somewhat strange yet amusing to watch. Never
thought that someone would really use this rather unconventional way of
cutting hair. I myself would still prefer a coiffeur who uses scissors instead
of the tools used in the video. But watch and decide for yourself.

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August 12, 2011Netspark No Comments »
Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (No Ratings Yet)
FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Video
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