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Posts Tagged ‘murder’

Don’t mess with the cops – NYPD

Another news just came in. When you have ruffle with the police, you’d better
not screw with the cops. In Harlem, a young man has been striked down with
not less than 84 bullets! The man has been put on file for potential murder of a
13 years old girl he is supposed to have shot. Domestical turbulences…

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April 27, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Terrorism in Norway?

As you probably have noticed, there was a terrible act of violence in Oslo.
It seems as if some crazy guy wanted to bomb down the entire government district in Oslo.
For me, the 32 years old Anders Behring B. is nothing more than an ill-minded man who
took life of more then 170 innocent persons.

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July 25, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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