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Don’t mess with the cops – NYPD

Another news just came in. When you have ruffle with the police, you’d better
not screw with the cops. In Harlem, a young man has been striked down with
not less than 84 bullets! The man has been put on file for potential murder of a
13 years old girl he is supposed to have shot. Domestical turbulences…

The scenery looks very scary. Not less than 84 yellow numbered markers are put on the street, each representing a bullet fired from the officers’ guns. So what led to this kind of massacre? Neigbours have reported that at 3:30am there were hefty discussions about familiar situations. The 28-years-old man has just moved into the area and his mother told him, he could no longer stay at her place. That’s supposed to be the reason for the murder of the 13-years-old girl found shot in her bed. The mother got also shot into the neck and has been filed under critical condition in hospital.

The man first started firing at the officers who responded with a real shower of lead. 84 rounds fired, the man has been striked down and also is in critical condition.

This is another warning for those who think, U.S. Cops are wimps. They aren’t for sure! And they’re quick in the usage of their weapons if they’re forced to do so…

The scenery in the morning after the escalated situation.

April 27, 2012 Netspark - 1597 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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