So Spain has finally won the EM 2012 and devastated Italia’s hope to do
likewise. The Italians have been humiliated with a 4:0 and a 90 minutes
bullfight. After that time the only conclusion was: Italia didn’t have the
breeze of a chance. The team from spain was just too strong.
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And the fight never stops. Samsung has again no luck against Apple and the
Galaxy Nexus won’t be sold in the USA for now. Like the same fate, the
Samsung Galaxy tab has already faced, the same jdge who prohibited the
sale of the Galaxy tab, has bow spoken again and stopped the Nexus sales.
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So While Apple has kicked out Google Maps from their upcoming iOS6,
it still seems that Apple will have to have Google applications on their
iDevices. As of now, the Google Chrome browser is available for iOS and
probably a concurring product to Apple’s own Safari browser.
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A feature, many of us may have used since Windows 7/Vista. The new
start menu that enriches the users’ experience in launching programs and
searching for documents. According to some researches and analytics of
the customer experience program, this feature won’t be available in Win8.
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The new trams of Bernmobil seem to be dogged by bad luck. Again the
pantograph of one tram seems to have ensnarled itself in the powerline
and thus has been bent down. The force acting on the pantograph must
have been enormous. The pictures will proove this very spectacularly!
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Chrome 20 has just been released but for those, expecting a big new release of
Google’s browser will be disappointed… probably. Because the usual numbering
of small releases (and I consider 23 bugfixes as such) is a minor number upgrade.
Such as Firefox being at 13.0.1 right now. But there’s good stuff, also inside.
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What seems impossible for the most people seems to have just happened. Steve
Woznia has visited the grounded Kim Schmitz for an interview. Wozniak has
stated, that the current ongoing lawsuit against Kim Schmitz is nonsense and
not having any fundament to be serious. Kim Schmitz also fought the charge.
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Can a complete city of the size of Zurich or Nuremberg get into bankruptcy?
No? Then this city in California, namely Stockton is teaches you otherwise!
Stockton is in debt with hundreds of millions of dollars. What sounds not much
is a real shock for the residents. The city is also suffering of high crime now!
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Patch 1.0.3 has been just released offering some easing but also some
annoyances. While playing the game on Act II Inferno, I again had to face
some annoying things. Among these are classical: champion groups having
two or more magic attibutes and dealing massive amounts of damage.
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Another hardware test. Believe it or not but I recently have acquired a
Microsoft hardware and want to compare it against the primus Logitech
who brings in the TouchMouse M600. What makes me test the Microsoft
rodent anyways? I thought, why not check out Microsoft hardware.
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Summer, sun, and th fresh air of summertime feeling. But what sounds like
heaven, can be of a big annoyance soon if you’re allergic to different kinds
of spores from trees and grasses that are developing at the current time.
Tearing eyes, running nose is only one of the many allergic reactions.
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When it comes to a new iOS version, there’s also a new iDevice on the roll.
In this case, the update could introduce the new iPhone as well. Or maybe
the AppleTV? No one knows for sure but what’s great for those waiting for
the newest iGadgets, can also be great news for those with actual iDevices.
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Once more SanDisk is about to set a milestone when it comes to memory
card technology. Today, Sandisk has announced that the first microSDHC
U1 cards for high-end mobile devices are ready to be published. At a read
speed of 90 MB/s and a write speed of approx 80MB/s they’re really fast!
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Odd contests around the world? Yep, there are many of them. Cellphone
throwing, Caber tossing, Hotdog eating, water-drinking. Yes and even a
burp contest is available for your convenience. Well… most of them are
more of fun then a real challenge if properly regarded.
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Unbelievable but true. But it seems as if free speech in the USA gets limited
more and more. As if the USA wouldn’t have enough laws, there’s always
room for one more. This time it’s Middleborough, Massachusetts. A word
as common as other profanities you hear in public for various reasons.
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The newest Top500 list is released and again a supercomputer in the USA
is dominating the list again after the supercomputer in Japan has marked
a new record last year and dominating the list with a total computing
power of 10.1 PFlops/s. Let’s get a sneak peek on the new hell machine.
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It seems as if the chinese people are planing to top Burj Khalifa which is
currently the talles building on earth with it’s 826 metres height. The
company BSB (Broad Sustainable Building) which was also involved in
building a 30 storeys tall hotel in only 15 days, plans to raise the planned…
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June 17, 2012Netspark
Curiosities ,
News ,
Thoughts ,
burj khalifa ,
china ,
construction ,
dubai ,
fast ,
raise ,
tower ,
It seems as if Logitech still has the power to draw attention to it’s products.
The G600 seems to fill the gap between a gamer mouse and the possibility
to control a MMORPG without the use of a keyboard at all. But what makes
the G600 so special against other mice from other manufacturers.
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Probably one of the most-discussed features in the past weeks. The
auction house where you can purchase items for real money! Initially it
should open on May, 26th, the date has been moved to June, 13th and
when checking yesterday, the date says June, 15th…
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June 15, 2012Netspark
Computer ,
Games ,
auction house ,
Diablo III ,
dupe ,
flaw ,
gold ,
item ,
real money ,
A natural phenomenon like this is very rare to see. But when it happens, it
is so spectacular that one, who never has seen anything like this, is so
amazed, that interesting pictures are taken. Showing you six pictures may
give you the idea what it is. I’ll explain a little further, when this happens.
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Nothing has been more spectacular in the past months than the lawsuit
against kino.to-founder. Kino.to, being known as a site that allowed direct
download of actual movies and series without the need of a client such as
UseNext and the like has been closed. The imprisonment of the founder…
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If you ever thought, Tornadoes are only for the American continent then guess
again. Today, Venice has been struck by a tornado which could be of F4 category
if you compare the size of it to common tornadoes. Detailed information is not
available yet. Currently it seems as if there are no killed people, fortunately.
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Apple’s newest WWDC 2012 in San Francisco was most-expected so far.
People have expected a sneak peek on Apple’s newest gadgets. I speak of the
iPhone 5 and AppleTV. But none of the two gadgets have been mentionned.
And with this, it’s most unlikely that you will get these this year’s christmas!
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This year’s NDC (Norwegian Developer’s Conference) from Microsoft seems
to have been a bit weird and shameful for Microsoft. During a very odd dance
show where light-suited women have danced during a modifies Scooter song,
the words “Micro” and “Soft” have flashed on the teleprompters.
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Groupon, Facebook, LinkedIn. They all have one thing in common. Their
stock market issue was one of the most expected events in company history.
And they all suffer from the same disease. The loss of stock value. While FB
has lost 10 USD (25%) of their stock value, LinkedIn has also dipped 20%.
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This year’s DisplayWeek tradefair is also interesting as it brings up brandnew
stuff from all display manufacturers. It seems as if the statement is clear:
Sharper, thinner, brighter. All nameful brands are showing their latest inven-
tions and also give examples how these new displays will change our life.
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What thrilled the whole world last year seems to have been finally put back to
normal again. Have measurements shown that neutrinos seemed to have been
a tad faster than light, more recent measurements at CERN have shown that also
neutrinos stick to Einstein’s Relativity theory (E=mc²). So light is still the fastest!
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What looks promising at first seems too good to be true. However the idea or
concept to bring touchscreen-operated devices to the visual impaired may be
weird too? Why would someone use a touchscreen-device if he/she can’t see
what is on it. Okay, the idea is cool but the practical usage is not yet proven.
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June 7, 2012Netspark
Computer ,
Curiosities ,
Ideas ,
News ,
Thoughts TAGGED WITH :
braille ,
display ,
impaired ,
tactile ,
touchscreen ,
If you ever thought, kitchen devices, such as fridges are the only thing that are
connected to the internet, well, think again because AGA has given an oven the
functionality to be operated from the web. Although I see some sort of risk in
this (despite virae that may attack the OS interface of it), it may be a cool gadget.
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As you might have noticed, I made some changes to my blog. My blog is active
and living. And with it, also the techniques usable to this date will also take place
here. As you probably noticed when using an outdated browser, you will see a
green ribbon show up to update your browser. See my blog yesterday, why!
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June 5, 2012Netspark
Computer ,
Curiosities ,
Ideas ,
News ,
Thoughts TAGGED WITH :
browser ,
CSS3 ,
Firefox ,
IE ,
Opera ,
Again, it seems as I have discovered some lacks in Microsoft’s IE. The browser
seems not able to handle CSS3 up to version 9 properly. The result? A really odd
looking button and pagination buttons. This blog will show you what happens,
when browsers do not comply with actual HTML and CSS standards.
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Fooling someone can be fun, but you should know where to stop and whom
not to fool around with. In this case, the so-called “Pee Prank” which seems
famous in the USA, had a bad turnaround for some people participating.
So what’s this “Pee Prank” anyways?
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