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Archive for the ‘Economy&Finance’ Category

Don’t mess with Google – You’ll loose!

Mess with the best, die like the rest. In today’s case, this is what Google could
have said to the french government that has planned a fee for linking to
media sites containing multimedia and press content. France has just dis-
cussed such a fee as Germany already has set up plans for the government.

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October 18, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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UPC cablecom unlocks DigitalTV basic

The times change, as it does in the internet (speeds, availability) and also TV.
While many cable service providers have a crypted basic cableTV service or
at least only viewable if you own hardware from the certain provider, here
in switzerland, the UPC cablecom is going to change things now.

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October 16, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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An era ends: is no more!

An era ends. One can truly say that after 62 years of business. What once
happened to Quelle, now hit Neckermann. Neckermann started as a big
department store with mailorder service. You ordered it, they shipped it.
You paid it in rates and you could afford your even-so-expensive goodie.

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October 3, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Big, bigger, Macy’s New York

When it comes to time, history is one of the words one may think of. In
this case, we speak of Macy’s, New York at Herold’s Place. It is the world’s
biggest shopping mall and has ever been. 10 stories of goods presented on
198.500 m² (2.13 million sqft.) fits everyone’s needs.

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September 20, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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The Apple WWDC… and what you got

So the WWDC is over, the news are spread and this is what it brought to
you. At first, we have the iPhone 5 which is, as expected, an iPhone4-
similar device slightly higher, thinner, and with a new display size.
The other devices presented: the new iPod nano and iPod touch.

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September 13, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Economy&Finance , News , Thoughts

StudiVZ in possess of a capital investor

Holtzbrinck, the former owner of StudiVZ, once being a popular social
network in germany, has sold the whole StudiVZ network to the capital
investor Vert Capital. StudiVZ has been formerly known to be part of
Poolworks. Holtzbrinck Digital still reserves the rights on schuelerVZ.

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September 11, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Nokia back on track with the Lumia 920?

While many people think, Nokia’s dead, it seems as if Nokia brings up a
new smartphone with Windows 8 Mobile. Slim, sleek and fast, that’s what
the Lumia 920 is said to be. But is the newest phone really the resue for
the already-buried Nokia company?

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September 8, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Megaupload founder gets his money

The New Zealand High Court has now officially confirmed 6 million NZ$
to be given back to Kim Schmitz so that he can pay the lawyer costs, the
lawsuit has generated so far. Also, cars have been released so that he can
sell these, too. It seems as if the Kim Schmitz story will soon come to end.

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August 29, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Goodbye optical drives

Sony Optiarc, manufacturer of many of the optical drives that spin your
discs in stereos, computers and other devices, has declared to stop the
production of optical drives. In times where most of the data is streamed
via cloud services and the internet, this seems logical.

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August 27, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Apple – Again!: Most valuable company!

Apple seems to reach for the stars. While other companies try to reach the 100
billion border, Apple goes for Platinum and heads onwards to the trillion.
The per-share stock value is 663.50 US$ and give Apple a value of 623 billion
US$ in total. And the new devices aren’t yet issued.

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August 20, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Facebook stock downhill again

It seems as if Facebook won’t come to a standstill about it’s stock shares. The
keep time for the stock shares of Facebook have run out and initial stock pur-
chasers are likely to issue their shares to the market again as the stock has
already lost half of it’s value. 19.76 US$ is the current value per share.

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August 16, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Zynga looses COO John Schappert

While Zynga has to fight with low business figures of the last quarter, the mana-
gement undergoes another change. John Schappert, who has been acquired
from EA, has left Zynga. As Mark Pincus has limited the competences of John
Schappert, this was the only logical consequence.

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August 9, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Apple unveils advertising budget

It seems that Apple does everything to have it’s products properly placed
on the markets. During the really immense pressure of the lawsuit between
Apple and Samsung, Apple has unveiled that it uses more then one billion
USD of advertising budget for iPhone & Co.

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August 3, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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And there it is: Facebook stock drops!

What sceptic stock analysts have expected has now happened: The
facebook stock shares have reached a new all-time low: 24 USD is not
what shareholders have wanted but stagnating member numbers and
an operative loss of USD 157M is not a good sign for high share value!

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July 27, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Facebook stock: a brief review…

Interesting to see, how Facebook has performed just four weeks later.
And it seems as if the stock won’t go any further up so far as it’s value is
at 28.75 US$ by now. Thus, the stock noted still below initial value.
Rough time for Mark Zuckerberg and his try to go for $100 billion value!

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July 22, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Samsung vs. Apple: Apple loses in London

This might be a not-so-good-day for Apple. The London Court has decided
that Samsung’s Galaxy Tab isn’t just a simple copy of Apple’s famous iPad.
But not enough for this: As the judge thought, that a simple financial settle-
ment won’t stop Apple from fighting on, he brought up a special verdict.

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July 19, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Hacked ebay-account: Who pays the bill?

According to a verdict from the regional appeal court Bremen, Sellers
can’t wildly accuse buyers in ebay anymore when it comes to hacking.
In the given case, the seller of a motorcycle has got a bid from a hacked
ebay-account. The “buyer” then declared that he didn’t use his account.

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July 11, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Facebook finally on track?

It seems as if the trouble around facebook is finally over. When checking on the
stock of Facebook, then the value is about 32 USD which is actually more then
expected. But will Facebook still be able to hold up the value? The reason for
this question lies in the micro-apps which seem to loose attraction.

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July 7, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Economy&Finance

Test: Western Digital 2.5″ HDD 2TB!

At the end of Q1, Western Digital has announced to bring out external HDDs
with 2TB capacity at the 2.5″ form factor. Tremendous HDD capacity on small
room. Easy to carry with you and without the need of an external power supply.
THE dream for those who archive lots of data? Let’s have a test review!

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July 5, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Just an exception – or the beginning?

Can a complete city of the size of Zurich or Nuremberg get into bankruptcy?
No? Then this city in California, namely Stockton is teaches you otherwise!
Stockton is in debt with hundreds of millions of dollars. What sounds not much
is a real shock for the residents. The city is also suffering of high crime now!

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June 25, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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And the law has spoken…

Nothing has been more spectacular in the past months than the lawsuit
against, being known as a site that allowed direct
download of actual movies and series without the need of a client such as
UseNext and the like has been closed. The imprisonment of the founder…

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June 13, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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What has happened to Groupon

Groupon, Facebook, LinkedIn. They all have one thing in common. Their
stock market issue was one of the most expected events in company history.
And they all suffer from the same disease. The loss of stock value. While FB
has lost 10 USD (25%) of their stock value, LinkedIn has also dipped 20%.

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June 10, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Euro crisis: Now Spain struggles

The Euro is not yet about to come to a rest as it seems. Now Spain has shown
signs that their biggest bank “Bankia” is in need of approximately 20 billion
Euros to haul all the desolate hypothecary credits it has issued in the past.
On the other hand: Thousands of angry “home owners” who will loose home.

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May 31, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Facebook and the stock market

What a bitter pill to swallow for Mark Zuckerberg: His company has lost one
quarter of it’s value in only one week. The stock is currently dealt at
approx 29 USD per share. which is only 73% of the initial value. The stock
share has been dealt at 38 USD when being issued last week. It was historic.

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May 30, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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What happens when money defeats brain?

This question is easily answered: You don’t know what you do and how things
turn into weapons if improperly used. In Singapore a taxi driver and a taxi
user have died in a horrible but also spectacular crash. The driver, a young
rich chinesse guy totaled his rare Ferrari 599 GT… and lost his life too!

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May 24, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Facebook and the stock markets

So finally facebook is at the NYSE and thus available for stock marketing.
While the shares have been dealt for 43USD  at the beginning, the shares
later fell back to their issue price of 38USD. So no exploding start for
Marc Zuckerberg and his social network, whose stock start should be great.

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May 21, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Greece back to Drachm?

Seems as if the Unthinkable gets closer and closer for more and more star
economists. Greece is about to loose the Euro as currency and going back to
the drachm. Seems as if all effort to avoid the expulsion of Greece from the
european currency union has failed.

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May 12, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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The Galaxy S3 – Unpacking on May, 3rd

Long-awaited and probably the most-feared iPhone-Killer, the Galaxy S3 will
be unpacked and officially presented to the public in Loondon. There are lots
of speculations about the design, equpment and general specifications about
Samsung’s new flagship. However the excitement is still there.

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May 1, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Groupon and balance problems!

It seems as if the famous portal that has gone stock, seems to have to deal
with problems concerning their balance figures. So it’s only logical that
Groupon now employs a professional finance&economy management team
to get things straight. Possibly to fend off any stock-related issues!

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April 29, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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GB to censor the web!

So it’s official! Five big providers have been forced by the High Court of Great
Britain to lock access to the famous Pireate bay site, a site containing links to
torrent files that allow establishing network links to a specific file among
various clients. An example for de-centralized file distribution.

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April 28, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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There we go: SmartCover solely from Apple!

Seems as if Apple had it with all these Copycats who copy ideas off others. In
this case, the SmartCover for the iPad is affected, as Apple has successfully
filed the patent for it (registered: 17.09.2010). So for all those manufacturers
like Generic, the air is getting thinner. A new wave of lawsuits coming up?

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April 25, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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Why Windows 7 IS good!

Has Windows Vista been a disaster for Microsoft so is Windows 7 a complete
success. The OS has brought in more money into Microsoft’s cashier in the
third quarter of the fiscal year. So has the net profit been 5.1 billion US$ from
a total revenue of 17.1 billion US$. It prooves that Windows 7 must be good.

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April 20, 2012Netspark No Comments »
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