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Facebook stock downhill again

It seems as if Facebook won’t come to a standstill about it’s stock shares. The
keep time for the stock shares of Facebook have run out and initial stock pur-
chasers are likely to issue their shares to the market again as the stock has
already lost half of it’s value. 19.76 US$ is the current value per share.

The main reason for this slide might be the fact that more and more facebook users are using facebook from their cell phone. The problem here: You can’t put ads onto the already small-sized screen.

While a PC monitor allows placement of ads and thus some income to Facebook, cell phones don’t.

So what’s Facebook’s new move to keep the stock from sliding downhill more and more? Until now there aren’t any ideas up yet. But I fear, that fullscreen ads in the form of videos will be nagging cell phone users by time.

Update 31.08.2012:

The stock share is now rated 19.08 USD and thus at the magical 50% border. I guess, more and more shareholders will issue their shares before they loose more money.

August 16, 2012 Netspark - 1600 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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