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Archive for the ‘Economy&Finance’ Category

Upcoming: A new fight with Apple?

Well… maybe you’ve already read about it or heard of: Apple has just filed for
patents of 3D gestures for a device to be steered with. Today I was astounded
to see that a rather unknown manufacturer of cell phones has released a final
version of a 3D gesture-controlled cell phone. Looks great so far!

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November 2, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Greece, Eurpean Union and the Euro

What to say, the European Union and the Euro have an immense crisis for quite a long
time now. Fights here, financial cuts there, failing agreements there, all in all no unity
at all. Greece, actually the biggest debitor in the European Union seems not to agree to
the planned big payment cuts that Greece should do in order to “survive”.

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November 1, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Apple… you can’t be serious!

Apple has done many lawsuits in the past. And one was about their logo where
it was hard for me to find similarities that may infringe with patents or copy-
rights of the Apple company in Cupertino (read here). This time I think, they’ve
gone too far! A small tea room owner got sued for her logo she has patented.

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October 27, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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How PR doesn’t work out well…

What’s the best advertisement you can have today? TV? No! Radio? Probably!
Newspapers and magazines? Probably… but the best public advertisement is,
in my opinion, the Internet and independent blogs. But the PR department of
Sony Ericcson seems to have missed the time shifting and the modern times.

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October 26, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Munich to be #2 next year in the Top500 list?

Today I have read an article on c’t that the Leibniz Rechenzentrum  in Munich is about to
build up a new building that shall house a new 3 PFlops/s supercomputer that is being
built up with 14’112 SandyBridge-EP processors providing 112.896 cores for calculation.
If it goes online next year, it could be #2 on the Top500 list. The leader does 8 PFlops/s.

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October 17, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Birthday… 33 years old…

So there I am. 33 years old. Let’s see what the new year will bring to me. At least I will
have a great party this friday. Not only because a good friend of mine is visiting me.
But also DJing is on the plan together with my bro. So there’s a lot of prework to do yet!
Hopefully everything will work out the way I want and my friends will have a good time!

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October 10, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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Microsoft going to get Skype?

It seems Microsoft is in need of a VoIP and Web-telephony specialist. The
purchase attempt of Microsoft to acquire Skype gives much to speculate as
Microsoft itself has a network-based telephony service called Lync (which I
was able to see in action also as it is being tested in our company.)

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October 8, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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“Why you little…” – The show must go on!

As of today, Fox has announced that the agreements with the voice-actors
finally were successfully finished and the contracts have been enhanced by
two more years. So the Simpsons will do a 24th and 25th season… probably!
I couldn’t be more happy about this!

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October 7, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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The Simpsons soon to be off air?

Today I read a rather shocking news about the most famous comic family.
It seems as if 20th Century Fox is about to turn off the lights in the Simpsons
home forever. Reason for this is that 20 Century Fox stated that production
costs have increased while the series is on deficit. Also the voice actors…

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October 5, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Samsung vs. iPhone 4S

Ouch! This really hurts! Seems as if Samsung now reacts on Apple’s denial to
Samsung’s offer to agree in the lawsuit iPad2 vs Galaxy Tab 10.1
Samsung now tries to stop the sale of the new iPhone 4S unfurled yesterday.
Should Samsung be successful, it could hurt Apple a lot! Target: Christmas sale

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October 5, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Good year, bad year and Microsoft…

So the fiscal year for Microsoft has ended and the salaries are now known.
Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft has earned 682.000 US$ and additionally
a bonus of 682.000 US$ – Not much, eh? According to the 2010 annual

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October 4, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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The economy… Cause for many strikes?

Today the Wall Street in New York has been occupied by about 700 activists who
demonstrate against the enormous power of the banks and financial places such as the
stock exchange in New York. However the action did not have such big success as the
local police has arrested many of the disturbants and probably put them into custody.

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October 2, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Kodak running low on simoleons?

Seems as if Kodak has some financial issues as the had the need to take a loan
of about 160 million US-Dollars. That’s a pretty big loan indeed. The fact that
Kodak has chosen to take the loan just few days before the end of the fiscal
quarter may let you think, that there are severe financial issues ongoing.

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September 27, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Apple in trouble… once more!

Seems as if the guys at Cupertino get no rest at all. Now a real near competitor
from Fremont (That’s approx. 7 miles away from Cupertino) is suing Apple for
patent violations. S3 formerly known for integrated GPU and much earlier also
known for own graphics cards, sees two of it’s patents violated by Apple.

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September 27, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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New day and new patent lawsuits arollin’

It’s incredible what’s possible on the patent “market” – Although I can understand that
Apple is defending their intellectual goods such as the design of the iPad which Samsung
has derived it’s Galaxy Tab from, it’s unconducive for the IT market to block and sue.
But exactly this is now being repeated by a small company, called Internet Machines!

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September 27, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Idiotism made in USA…

The USA, country of unlimited possibilities. Also country of unlimited idiots and rather
dubious lawsuits. One of these is made in July 2006 where a private Person, called
Allen Ray Hackard (51), has fired up a lawsuit against Michael Jordan and Nike.
The sum: The astronomic number of 832.000.000  simoleons. Crazy stuff? Indeed!

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September 21, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Apple has done wrong prediction!

Now it is official: Google has started it’s NFC-based micropayment system
officially in the USA. Sprint customers now can use their NFC-enabled cell
phone to make payments. What has been neglected by Apple, and wont be in
Apple’s new iPhone 5 as NFC would have no future is now in Android phones!

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September 20, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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Italy in the crisis…?

Today, Standard&Poors has lowered the Rating for Italy from A+ to A-1 as it thinks,
Italy will also run into big debt problems. While Berlusconi has yet ratified another
54.2 billion Euro savings plan, Standard&poors doubts that Italy will consequently
follow the plan. A high unemployment rate, low invests from other countries…

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September 20, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Apple vs. Samsung – Next fight!

Let’s look back: What happened? Apple has sued Samsung for violating design patents
So Apple won the fight and the sale of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is now prohibited until further
notice. Today, it seems as if Samsung vows revenge for this and started suing Apple in
France – also for violating patents in the cell phone transmission sector.

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September 13, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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The next bubble will burst…

…or let’s say, 10 bitter facts, why the U.S. economy is still in big trouble. The U.S.
economy is by far more in debt as most of the people want to believe. Unemployment
is above 20% when you bring in the long-term unemployed. Myret Zaki has stated 10
facts that proove to her that the worst is yet to come.

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September 12, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Conan O’Brien makes fun of Apple!

It seems as if Apple also is being mocked by local comedians. In the following
video, Conan O’Brien, a famous talkmaster, comedian and television host, has
brought up a video on Apple’s recent report that a prototype of the new long
awaited iPhone had been left in a tequila bar in California.

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September 12, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Paypal versus Rossmann… and looses!

Paypal today made his next step to be one of the unappealing payment services
When they forced Rossmann (a german drugstore chain) to unlist cigars from
Cuba out of their portfolio as otherwise PayPal would quit the cooperation with
Rossmann, the drugstore company finally decided to cancel complete PayPal.

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September 9, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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France and it’s government’s odd plans

Well, taxes are good for all kinds of things for the public to be financed. So that
everyone takes his part in the Finance, he has to pay taxes, taxes like V.A.T.
income tax, tax on alcoholic beverages, tax on tobacco, gambling, social tax
and all other taxes you may be aware of.

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September 8, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Swiss National Bank did it again!

So… the Swiss National Bank finally thought, we’d start a new round to fight
the strong Swiss Franc! Today at 10:00 a.m. local time, the SNB set the
minimum reference value EUR-CHF to 1.20 – and is willing to keep that goal
by buying foreign currencies with no limit!

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September 6, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Gasoline Sales promoted?

Today I was shocked to see that gas station keepers may receive bonuses by selling
gasoline at the highest possible prices possible. With this, automobilists might run
into a more and more competition-driven price for gasoline as gasoline station keepers
may chage the prices theirselves. The higher, the more bonuses they receive

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August 29, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Google buys Motorola cell phones!

Google has bought Motorola’scell phone division for approx 12.5 billion US$!
With this purchase, Google plans to give Android more support in the cell phone
market. As Motorola is working together with Google for a longer time now, this
step was only a logical conclusion. The name Motorola will still exist though!

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August 15, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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What the €-Prompt…

When I stated 3 days ago that things would look grim but yet okay,I was wrong.
Today the stock markets have lost another 4 to 7% of their value. The market is
really upset and no one can deny it. Even the currencies have gone crazy as
hell. Was the Euro at 1.09 this morning, it lost until 1.05 at the current time.

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August 9, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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An epic novel: Finance Crisis 2011

Not that I am very pessimistic but on Tuesday the economic situation was already
pretty grim. But with the start into the weekend, things look worse as expected.
The Swiss Federal Bank’s intervention did not do much to weaken the Swiss franc
and other currencies seem to suffer from strange hickups, too…

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August 6, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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The currencies… again! But with changes

The last days have been very busy and the world economy is still bouncy.
The Euro, USD, GBP and JPY are probing new depths which worries the swiss finance
market much more. The Euro was about to hit the 1.08 line then instantly
(within 5 minutes) rose near 1.10 again…

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August 3, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Financial Crisis in USA at an end?

As of today the U.S. Government has agreed to raise the debt level under the condition
to lower debts and state costs by 2.7 billion dollars within the next 10 years.
But as for now, the people seem very disappointed that the debt level raise will be a
reason for social and medical cutbacks and a possible tax raise…

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August 1, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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