Apple in trouble… once more!
Seems as if the guys at Cupertino get no rest at all. Now a real near competitor
from Fremont (That’s approx. 7 miles away from Cupertino) is suing Apple for
patent violations. S3 formerly known for integrated GPU and much earlier also
known for own graphics cards, sees two of it’s patents violated by Apple.
The first patent, 5’945’997, describes Block- and band-oriented traversal in three-dimensional triangle rendering while the second violated patent, 5’581’279 describes a VGA controller circuitry from 1996. If and in what dimensions, Apple has violated the patents, will be decided by court.
S3, currently owned by HTC has a a big mummy behind, yet Apple is very big. Doubtful that Apple is going to buy S3 completely to get hands on the patent itself. I think it will rush to a cash settlement instead. but let’s see what the court will say.
Tough time for Apple! – I wonder if they violate other patents as well, then there would be lots of patent lawsuits ahead that will push the stock value down.
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