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Has Apple gone berzerk?

I’ve read good news about Apple, I’ve read bad news about Apple, I often
agree with Apple when they sue copycats, I hate it when they try to save
their monopoly on tablets by sueing Samsung using patents that are tri-
vial. But today is the day where Apple has finally lost my respect!

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September 5, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Eating Contest… what to say?

I don’t know what’s more disgusting: The fact that a 45kg lightweight
woman is eating 183(!) Chicken Wings (each approx. 30g meat,in total
a whopping 5.5kg!!!) within 12 minutes or the fact that obesities still a
mayor incident in the USA that causes many deaths each year.

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September 5, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Good Addons for FF6…

I must admit, if you expand Firefox with several Addons, it becomes
a very handy and sleek browser. While FF4 had to deal with speed
issues and often stalled with unknown errors or finally stopped
working, Firefox 6 seems to run much more stable than the old version.

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September 5, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Ideas , Thoughts
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My first day at work again…

Today I started my work again after a relaxing 3 weeks vacation. Nothing serious
seemed to happen during my absence. So i fired up my desktop and waited for it to
complete it’s bootup (whick takes a mere 5 minutes to complete). So finally the
computer was up and I fired up my Outlook which took another 3 minutes…

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September 5, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Possibly smallest Train?

Sure… it seems to be a classical fake but it think, it is a good one. So if you
hate waiting at a railroad crossing, then this train might be your dream.
However this being a fake, in Washington D.C. there is a study ongoing for
a public mass transit system that consists of many tiny individual capsules.

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September 4, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Another bday… this time – Kamila ;)

Today, my bro’s wife celebrates her 31st birthday
So that’s why I ain’t home again but at my bro’s
place in order to participate. Quite chilling, fun
relaxing, as we’re playing Bowling on PS3,

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September 3, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Family , Ideas
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Happy bday, Alain!

Today I wasn’t home the whole evening, as a good friend
of mine celebrated his birthday this day and unfortunately
I missed it half way until he remembered me on a real
distinctive yet humurous way!

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September 2, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Diablo III finally reachable?

Finally Diablo III seems to come to stores in near future.
Where Amazon still only does preorders, a local store here
in Bern does so, too but upon question when the game will release,
they say that probably November, 20th will be THE date.

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September 1, 2011Netspark 3 Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Friends , Games , Ideas , Thoughts
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Economy… And what’s strange!

Well… It’s now September 1st and where the Euro was about
1.19 CHF just two days ago, it is now 1.1375 CHF again! I don’t
get it! Why do currencies undergo such extremely high tolerances?
5 cents within 2 days is quite a lot and where happiness was…

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September 1, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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The sunny side of Bern

I like the moderate, yet sunny weather of Bern. Warm, yet not
grilling. I hate hot and dense weather where Temperatures are
above 32 degrees celsius and humidity above 70% like the last
week where exactly such conditions have dominated the day!

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August 31, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Ideas , Nature , Thoughts
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August completely blogged…

Just three months ago, my blog had 14 entries from May to end of June. The July took
35 more posts and the August now was entirely filled. To say: Modern communication
makes it possible for us to share moments and ideas quicky, easy and impressive.
I am not of Generation facebook or twitter (yet I use them!) but my blog is certainly…

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August 31, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Spectacular video from vulcan Etna!

Italy’s most active vulcan Etna is active again. The vulcan is situated on Sicily
and with 3.323m over sea level probably also the highest of Europe. The
video shows a very spectacular eruption again. Beautiful to look at but you
don’t want to be there right now if you’re not intended to be grilled…

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August 31, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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How will glass change our life?

When you think of glass, you may probably think of a transparent piece
of molten quartz that has been shaped either for drinking or being part
of a window or being a plate for tables and office desks. The following
video shows what you will be probably able to do with it in the future…

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August 31, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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The Look of the iPhone of the future?

Tech news are all about the actual gadgets you can buy in the near future.
But tech news about gadgets that are still future inventions to be yet made,
are rather rare. This one relates to Apple’s most successful smartphone, the
iPhone. A successor will come, but not in this design flavour!

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August 31, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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The nature and their secrets…

Today I stumbled over a really frightening article on my favourite news portal.
You all know wasps. Tiny yellow-black, really annoying buzzers whose stings can be
real painful. They bother you when you’re eating, they bother you even when you’re
just sunbathing. So what am I talking about now? Anything bigger? A hornet? Nope!!!

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August 30, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , Gallery , Nature
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Strange movie: The worst movie EVER!

Why on earth would a movie have such a trivial and strange name?
Why would it be released to to the public knowing that it is bad?
At least the name is program. The first weekend, the movie is shown,
the movie has brought in the least amount of watchers and money.

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August 30, 2011Netspark 1 Comment »
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Gasoline Sales promoted?

Today I was shocked to see that gas station keepers may receive bonuses by selling
gasoline at the highest possible prices possible. With this, automobilists might run
into a more and more competition-driven price for gasoline as gasoline station keepers
may chage the prices theirselves. The higher, the more bonuses they receive

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August 29, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Economy&Finance , News , Thoughts
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Hurricane Irene at the east coast of USA

While news have spread the word, a hurricane is on it’s way to the upper east coast of
the USA. They say that the storm is a category 3 storm that may also reach category 4.
With 1300 km diameter (that’s pretty large if you ask me!) it is also dangerous to a large
area. Well… in New York and New Jersey, there’s big evacuation and alert!

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August 28, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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New game discovered: EVE Online

Usually it is very hard to convince me of a game. especially those type of game
where you pay on a monthly subscribe fee like World of Warcraft… but with the
advice of a good friend of mine who invited me to a 21 days trial, I finally
decided to upgrade my account to a paid subscription one.

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August 27, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Crazy weather…

Just 2 days ago I juiced out at 34 °C barely knowing how to cool down except to take a cold
shower or drink cold water and today the news spread that temperatures may fall by 20 °C
that also leads to snowfalls in the more exponented areas such as mountain passes or higher
situated villages such as Davos for example.

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August 26, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Steve Jobs retired from CEO position!

Today the news spread like fire: Steve Jobs finally retired from his CEO position
at Apple as his health status is not that good to lead the business at Apple.
His successor will be Tim Cook who is currently COO at Apple.
This sad news also led the Apple stock shares (AAPL)to drop by 1% by now.

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August 25, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , News
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Vicco von Bülow aka. Loriot (+87) is dead

As you probably might have already read on local and international news, Loriot, also
known as Vicco von Bülow under his real name, died in Ammerland (Germany, Bavaria)
on monday at the age of 87. Very well known for his typical shaped cartoon characters
and Wum and Wendelin that were part of “Der grosse Preis”, his sort of humor was…

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August 25, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Wednesday… my return to Bern again!

I guess, you already missed my longer posts during my absence. So did I miss a fully
functioning Internet! Unbelievable but today you feel sorta naked if you don´t have
your usual ways of communication available for your convenicence. At least even
the smallest ‘nest’ does have an internet terminal to keep in touch with the world!

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August 24, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Curiosities , Friends , News , Thoughts , Uncategorized
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In the Münster of Freiburg

Today I was in the Münster of Freiburg As you can imagine, Münster churches are bigger
than regional churches. And when you know of the size of the Cologne Dom or the Ulmer
Münster, you will probably know of their size also. Is the Frauenkirche in Munich also very
big, the Münster of Freibug is a lot larger. As cameras aren’t liked inside, I used my iPhone…

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August 23, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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With the buckboard on tour

Today I was on tour on a buckboard thru Badenweiler and Niederweiler.
The Tour started at the hotel I am staying in and ended the same place after a
pleasant 2 hours ride. The tour was very relaxing and led thru grass plains hills and
wine fields. Very astounding and nice to look at!

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August 23, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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News from the relaxing One…

Today, monday, it’s only one more day, till I return home to Bern again.
With that I am relaxed to the maximum possible. Let alone the lots of sun I could get
and temperatures between 28 to 32 degrees Celsius. Where my colleague from work
…had rainy and cold weather, when he was in his holidays the last 2 weeks!

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August 22, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Nachtschicht seen in Freiburg…

Today, when I was in Freiburg, I stumbled upon a
Sign I thought being misplaced there!
So what does Nachtschicht and Freiburg mean in
this context you may ask?

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August 21, 2011Netspark 2 Comments »
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Germany and fast(?) Cell networks…

Well… I still wonder why reception of all kinds of cell phone services is still so bad!
Not that I really would miss my Cell Phone anyways… But updating my Blog can
be a real pain in the a** when my Cell Phone is either signalling “no Service” or so
weak Networks so that Upload attempts of actual articles tend to fail…

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August 20, 2011Netspark 3 Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Curiosities , News , Thoughts
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Holidays !!!

Hello to all my fellow readers. From August 17th, to
August 24th I am rarely online! So some days might
be without any update. But don’t worry! As soon As I am back,
there will be regular Updates

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August 19, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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Chime Super Deluxe for PS3

Today I am writing about a new Game I discovered in the PSN store. So
I downloaded the demo to play it for some time and see if I like it. It
took approx 30 minutes of gaming and I decided to spend 15 CHF
for the game as it is really catching and making you play several hours.

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August 18, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Games , Ideas , Video
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Firefox 6 is released…

Today, The Mozilla foundation announced that Version 6 of their famous
browser is being released. Impressive, I say, have I upgraded to
Version 4 just some months ago. So why is Mozilla changing the major release
numbers so quickly now, compared to version 3 of this browser?

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August 17, 2011Netspark No Comments »
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How patient are Apple Store workers?

Today I found this funny video on youTube where a guy is testing the Apple
Store workers’ patience to the maximum. The 3 Minutes video show 4 different
situations and the reaction is quite interesting. Where one would get a snarly
comment when bringing food or a pet into the shop, at Apple stores all is okay!

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August 16, 2011Netspark 2 Comments »
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