Transporting Anti-Matter
The CERN in Geneva is leading when it comes to
research of anti-matter. With the LHC the largest
hadron collider in the world has been built. But to
get anti-matter better analyzed, it needs more.
The CERN in Geneva is leading when it comes to
research of anti-matter. With the LHC the largest
hadron collider in the world has been built. But to
get anti-matter better analyzed, it needs more.
When planes transport planes’ parts…
One of the biggest challenges was to transport large
plane parts from one facility to the next. Earlier they
were transported by cargo ships. Unitl now…
While news have spread the word, a hurricane is on it’s way to the upper east coast of
the USA. They say that the storm is a category 3 storm that may also reach category 4.
With 1300 km diameter (that’s pretty large if you ask me!) it is also dangerous to a large
area. Well… in New York and New Jersey, there’s big evacuation and alert!