Facebook is always tracing you!
As an eager user of facebook, you’re always
using facebook on your smartphone as well.
Thinking of the security, you have already
disabled GPS tracking for facebook.
As an eager user of facebook, you’re always
using facebook on your smartphone as well.
Thinking of the security, you have already
disabled GPS tracking for facebook.
It seems as if Facebook has finally recognized the
importance of data security. Facebook has announced
to take serious steps to improve data security by impro-
ving the encryption in Messenger and WhatsApp.
Privacy is a thing of concern and they all seem to have their
problems with it. Facebook however got caught several times
failing to secure personal data. In this case again millions of
user datasets have been exposed using cloud services.
If the situation wouldn’t be grim for facebook
already, there’s a new scandal hitting Mark
Zuckerberg’s social media empire. It seems as if
there was again ma massive security hole detected.
Google Plus seems to be shut down definitely!
As it seems, the social media platform didn’t
succeed against Facebook as intended. In 2011
Google Plus was announced as an alternative.
US government demands from Facebook to
get access to the Messanger database and
the chats that are being done over the app.
Messenger is said to be secure by now.
Whatsapp is facing security issues all the time. The newest
one allows MITM attacks where the attacker can alter sent
messages or hide them in a group chat from certain group
members. How the attack works shows the following video.
Big data nowadays is a big issue when it comes to privacy.
Especially when you have to share sensitive data in order
to use particular services. Facebook seems to have gone
a step further and sent queries to U.S. banks.
Noone would have believed the Nightly News that has hit lots of local
media and tech magazines. But it’s true and official: Facebook has
bought WhatsApp. A whopping $19 billion whereas of 4 billion have been
paid directly, has been forked out by Facebook to seal the deal.
Facebook has planned to bring out an own smartphone which puts
facebook in the center of the smartphone apps and OS. However it seems as
if these plans were too expensive or too ambiguous and thus Facebook has
now officially stated to bring out a special App: Facebook Home.
Yes, I know, it’s boring to read again about some copyright infringement.
And yes I am also bored, too. But maybe this is a way to show why money
still rules the world and why people are willing about to give up their soul
for something that usually isn’t worth fighting for.
The smartphone is today as essential as the daily newspaper or the E-Mail.
Communication seems essential to most of us. The upcoming generation
doesn’t even hesitate to use the gadget on the toilet. A recent study now
has revealed what happens on the toilets nowadays.
Holtzbrinck, the former owner of StudiVZ, once being a popular social
network in germany, has sold the whole StudiVZ network to the capital
investor Vert Capital. StudiVZ has been formerly known to be part of
Poolworks. Holtzbrinck Digital still reserves the rights on schuelerVZ.
It seems as if Facebook won’t come to a standstill about it’s stock shares. The
keep time for the stock shares of Facebook have run out and initial stock pur-
chasers are likely to issue their shares to the market again as the stock has
already lost half of it’s value. 19.76 US$ is the current value per share.
While Zynga has to fight with low business figures of the last quarter, the mana-
gement undergoes another change. John Schappert, who has been acquired
from EA, has left Zynga. As Mark Pincus has limited the competences of John
Schappert, this was the only logical consequence.
What sceptic stock analysts have expected has now happened: The
facebook stock shares have reached a new all-time low: 24 USD is not
what shareholders have wanted but stagnating member numbers and
an operative loss of USD 157M is not a good sign for high share value!
Interesting to see, how Facebook has performed just four weeks later.
And it seems as if the stock won’t go any further up so far as it’s value is
at 28.75 US$ by now. Thus, the stock noted still below initial value.
Rough time for Mark Zuckerberg and his try to go for $100 billion value!
It seems as if the trouble around facebook is finally over. When checking on the
stock of Facebook, then the value is about 32 USD which is actually more then
expected. But will Facebook still be able to hold up the value? The reason for
this question lies in the micro-apps which seem to loose attraction.
Groupon, Facebook, LinkedIn. They all have one thing in common. Their
stock market issue was one of the most expected events in company history.
And they all suffer from the same disease. The loss of stock value. While FB
has lost 10 USD (25%) of their stock value, LinkedIn has also dipped 20%.
What a bitter pill to swallow for Mark Zuckerberg: His company has lost one
quarter of it’s value in only one week. The stock is currently dealt at
approx 29 USD per share. which is only 73% of the initial value. The stock
share has been dealt at 38 USD when being issued last week. It was historic.
So finally facebook is at the NYSE and thus available for stock marketing.
While the shares have been dealt for 43USD at the beginning, the shares
later fell back to their issue price of 38USD. So no exploding start for
Marc Zuckerberg and his social network, whose stock start should be great.
As if Yahoo doesn’t have enough trouble and problems right now, it seems
as if facebook is now “repaying” Yahoo for their attempt to sue facebook for
violating 10 patents, Yahoo clamis rights for (read here). Has Yahoo filed
lawsuit against facebook, so is facebook now filing a lawsuit against Yahoo.
Seems as if Apple, Facebook and 16 other companies are facing rough times.
As of today, a lawsuit has been filed from 13 private users against at the court
in Austin(TX), USA. Therefore the private users accuse Apple, Facebook,
Twitter, Electronic Arts, RIM, HP, Microsoft, Amazon and others.
Seems as if the next big fish in the Web is going to show the red card to face-
book. The webpages from the german soccer club “FC Bayern München” are
loaded 120 million times a month. There are also facebook-based fansites
however the advertising income isn’t flowing to the club’s finances.
I know… most of you hate about reading some patent lawsuits. Apple, Google,
Samsung, Kodak, Microsoft… they are all involved in some lawsuits with each
other. This time, however, Yahoo is filing a lawsuit against social media leader
Facebook. Yahoo claims rights to technologies, facebook is currently using.
Something to do on weekends when not being stressed out at maximum? Chilling for
example or doing housekeeping stuff. Or maybe also meeting familiy/friends? Well,
whatever the decision is of what to do, one could be grateful if he gets the chance to do so.
Time will get more valuable each day passes by. Had to notice it myself…
Still having pics online on facebook you’d better not have posted? Deleting
them now is no option either for quick vanishing. As Ars Technica has found
out now, the pictures will still last for three more years until they get deleted.
Facebook has already admitted that theyir system is “fairly” slow in this.
Just on February 1st it seems that facebook is planning their enlisting at the
NYSE. According to the 2011 financial report, the company has made $1
billion profit, according to 2010 of $606 million and $229 million in 2009.
The stocks shall fork in another $5 billion dollars for invests in facebook.
Just two more days to go to enjoy the weekend. These ones have been sent to me by
Pianoman! Thanks for the great stuff. Couldn’t laugh more. And let alone the fact about
the different sites (Google, Facebook, etc..) – it’s so damn true. So for y’all others:
Check the pics in this post. Have a nice wednesday evening!
Marc Zuckerberg has announced that Facebook will undergo an immense
redesign. the profile page of a user will dramatically change yet all posts will
stay on and all other stoff. The new feature, called “Timeline” will allow
visitors to travel back in time virtually. This feature is currently available…
So, finally a post of my thoughts about today’s communication methods. 15 years ago,
the communication methods were rather limited as cell phones and their price plans
were too expensive. The Internet was still in it’s development process and services like
ICQ and the like were not well-developed or ready for mass communication.
Today I had to read that Google plans to integrate Games into their social net-
work. That’s another step to be like facebook what I don’t like that much as its
interface gets bloated more and more due to several “apps” that do various
actions. Besides that, I hate tons of requests for playing game XY…