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Archive for the ‘Economy&Finance’ Category

The E3 and Microsoft

The E3 is THE expo for upcoming gaming hard- and
software. It takes place from Tuesday June 11th to
Thursday June 13th. So what does Microsoft plan to
show here? A interesting name has been heard of!

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June 10, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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USA, China and the money…

A long-lasting fight between USA and China is still ongoing.
Trading between these two countries has never been more
complicated and penalty taxes are the non-violent weapons.
But does the USA get what they want?

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May 31, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Theresa May retiring June, 7th!

The BREXIT, a topic seen very often online in the past
months. A topic that also splits the politics in the United
Kingdom. And it’s THE topic that made Theresa May
finally capitualte after three successless attempts.

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May 25, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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500 Euro notes get retired!

The 500-Euro note will be no longer produced from
April 26th onwards. with the production stop the
issue of new 500 Euro notes will also be stopped and
currently circulating ones will be replaced.

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April 25, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Apple Pay goes Austria… finally!

Apple Pay today launched it’s service in Austria as well.
Erste Bank and the Zentralinstitut der österreichischen
Sparkassengruppe are the first two major financial in-
stitutes that make Apple Pay availabe to their customers.

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April 24, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Economy&Finance , News , Technology

5G active in Switzerland!

In Switzerland, 54 cities will now benefit from 5G networks.
The three major carriers, Swisscom, Salt and Sunrise have
activated the necessary infrastructure to provide the users
with fast cell network. However there’s one catch…

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April 20, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Make Love, not war!

Well just few days ago, one would have thought, it’s the final
showdown between Apple and Qualcomm especially with
Apple having four more chip manufacturers at hand who also
stated that Qualcomm’s practices about license fees aren’t ok!

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April 17, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Qualcomm vs. Apple – Aftermath!

It gets uglier and uglier in the fight between Qualcomm and Apple
But now there’s a new competitor in the house. With four new
fighters on the side of Apple, the tide may turn against Qualcomm.
Not less than 27 billion(!) US$ are on stake here!

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April 17, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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To Brexit or Not to Brexit?

It is a neverending story. Theoretically the ultimatum
for Great Britain to leave the European Union would
have expired on friday at midnight. Now it seems as
if the ultimatum has been extended another 6 months.

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April 15, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Netflix rises prices… AGAIN!

Netflix already got more expensive in the USA. Meanwhile
the prices in Europe have been risen as well. But just six
months later, Netflix rises prices again. Netflix states that
the higher prices result from a lot more investments…

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April 14, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Oracle Cloud at the end?

It seems to be hard times for Oracle when it comes to
Cloud Services. According to various news portals,
Oracle has started laying off employees who are involved
in Cloud development. An internal mail shows changes…

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March 27, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Google fined for 1.69 billion US$!

Bad times for Google! The EU competition authorities
have fined Google for 1.69 billion US$ as Google has
hindered other competitors to fully use the “AdSense for
Search” feature.

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March 21, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Apple vs. Qualcomm: Bad day!

This may not be a good day for Qualcomm at all!
In the ongoing fight between Qualcom and Apple
it seems as if Apple sees some light in the case.
Qualcomm demands patent royalties from Apple.

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March 16, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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F5 Networks acquired Nginx!

Nginx is known to many of website owners as Linux
servers often run nginx webserver as backend for
Websites. Originally released under BSD licence, nginx
can be used freely used by private persons.

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March 14, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Apple vs. Qualcomm… again!

It seems as if Qualcomm tries to squeeze out
money from Apple wherever possible. Their
newest lawsuit case is about 31 million US$
for three patent infringements.

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March 11, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Amazon drops HQ plans in NY

No good times for the mayor of New York. Despite the
generous 3 billion US$ tax reduction Amazon has now
dropped the plans to build a campus in Queens. The
site would have offered 25.000 to 40.000 jobs.

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February 17, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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NVidia and their market still struggle

No good times for NVidia even with the fastest graphics cards
in their portfolio. NVidia has announced a 2.12 billion US$
revenue for Q4 2018 (which ended on Jan, 27 2019). This is a
setback of 24 pewrcent compared to Q4 2017.

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February 15, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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SoftBank selling whole NVidia share!

Perhaps a really bad day for the NVidia CEO. Softbank,
an investor group bank from Japan has announced to
sell their whole 3.63 billion US$ share package. There was
no given reason for Softbank to sell their whole invest.

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February 9, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Tesla in crisis? 3000 jobs gone!

We all know Tesla and it’s CEO Elon Musk as a visionary
person with good future plans. However the car section
seems to struggle. Delays with the Model 3 are still im-
pacting the annual fiscal results. Time to act?

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January 21, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Netflix to raise prices again!

Netflix has raised the price plans for their streaming services
just last year. Now it seems as if another raise is ahead.
According to new reports and screenshots, the middle and
Premium Tier are about to receive another raise in prices!

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January 16, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Sandisk revealing 4TB USB stick!

The CES was a great success for most of the exhibitors.
Also SanDisk has shown some gadgets that have the
“must have” factor. One of these is a prototype of a
USB Stick that holds up to 4TB of data.

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January 14, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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The CES in Las Vegas 2019

The CES in Las Vegas is one of the most anticipated fairs
related to Consumer electronics. New technology is usually
shown there first and it will be a window to what we can
expect in the upcoming months from the big global players.

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January 6, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Alphabet evading huge tax payments

Google Alphabet, the mother corporation of Google and
other subsidiaries has found an innovative way to evade
huge tax payments. We speak of no less than twenty
billion US$ using legal tricks. so how did they do that?

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January 5, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Apple bites back!

Well, the fight isn’t fought yet. While Qualcomm is
probably celebrating it’s win in the first step against
Apple, Apple itself has today announced to file an
appeal against the verdict that has been issued.

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January 4, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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AAPL hits rockbottom!

We can’t exactly say what has happened. But it seems
as if Apple Stock shares have had a real bad impact.
Dropping from 157.18 down to 142.13 is really baffling!
What could have caused that massive drop?

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January 3, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Apple forced to stop iPhone 7,8,X sales!

Apple is no longer allowed to sell iPhones in Germany!
The models iPhone 7, 8 and X are no longer allowed to
be sold directly by Apple! The reason is a lawsuit filed
in Germany for Apple infringing Qualcomm patents.

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January 2, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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USA in shutdown again!

It is again hard times for the POTUS. We have seen a
governmental shutdown in the past and in 2018 es-
pecially on christmas it is happening again. So people
trying to use governmental services must be patient!

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December 26, 2018Netspark No Comments »
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Qualcomm vs. Apple – Round 2

A new level in the fight between Qualcomm and Apple
has been reached. Qualcomm is seeking for a sale ban
of certain iPhone models. Affected are iPhone 7,8 and
the X. The XS, XS Max and XR are not affected.

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December 21, 2018Netspark No Comments »
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VW in trouble again!

It seems as if VW is not allowed to rest when it comes to the
diesel scandal for diesel cars. Now there’s a lwasuit pending
from Baden-Wurttemberg. They state that VW has caused a
tremendous damage and attempted to hide the problems.

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December 14, 2018Netspark No Comments »
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ApplePay arrives in Germany!

It took quite a while for Apple to get the license to offer
Apple Pay together with most major banks in Germany.
While ApplePay is availabe to other countries for years,
the final switch has been triggered in germany today.

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December 11, 2018Netspark No Comments »
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AAPL stock falling and falling…

Hard times for Apple. The once-trillion-worth company has lost
over 26% of it’s value since it’s peak-value in October 2018.
The shares of Apple are even less worth than last year which
means that Apple even missed it’s 52wk goal.

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December 11, 2018Netspark No Comments »
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Logitech and Plantronics deal off!

On friday there were big news about Logitech merging
with Plantronics. Now the deal is off as neither
Plantronics nor Logitech could agree about the price
for which Plantronics should be merged with Logitech.

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November 26, 2018Netspark No Comments »
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