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Theresa May retiring June, 7th!

The BREXIT, a topic seen very often online in the past
months. A topic that also splits the politics in the United
Kingdom. And it’s THE topic that made Theresa May
finally capitualte after three successless attempts.

The main problem was to make the BREXIT deal to be accepted by most of the party members in both parties. However three attempts and one referendum didn’t bring the success to perform the BREXIT to the given date. Now, as the final date comes closer, the pressure on Theresa May was too high and yesterday she finally consealed her retirement on June 7th, 2019.

That said, the question is now: Will her successor have all the political backhold to bring the BREXIT to a good finale or will there be too many shards to be swiped away before the BREXIT can take place? Whatever will happen by then, the result won’t be satisfying for almost half the citizen of the United Kingdom.

Whether the BREXIT may be without big complications or not. One thing is for sure: There will be no new elections about the BREXIT. The people of UK have spoken and they want to leave the EU.

Here’s the emotional speech of Theresa May on May 24th, 2019:

Video courtesy of Euronews

May 25, 2019 Netspark - 1598 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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