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Posts Tagged ‘lte advanced’

Merger of T-Mobile and Sprint

What’s up with the rumors that Sprint and T-Mobile who
happen to be No.2 and No.3 on the US mobile communi-
cation market want to merge? As per November 6th, 2019
the U.S. Federal Communication Commission FCC said yes…

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November 9, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , Economy&Finance , News , Technology
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5G Available in Germany!

Germany is often known for being slow when it comes
to adapting new technologies. However 5G becomes
available rather quickly after Switzerland has already
started offering 5G in selected areas.

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September 6, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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Apple goes 5G maybe in 2020

When it comes to LTE Advanced, so called 5G, Samsung
already has released their first smartphone to do so. 5G
is already launched in some countries already for usage.
But what phone should you buy now? Hard to say…

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April 21, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Computer , News , Technology
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5G (LTE Advanced) a bird killer?

LTE Advanced (5G) is proceeding fast. Today Switzerland has
finished the auction-sale of the frequency bands used for 5G
to the three major mobile providers (Swisscom, Salt, Sunrise).
But as always there are doubters who think, 5G is bad for us!

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February 8, 2019Netspark No Comments »
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FILED UNDER :Curiosities , News , Technology
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