It seems that the US patent system still leaves some room for companies
whose only purpose is to start lawsuits against global players for violating
almost-expiring lawsuits which could have once qualified for big cash time.
One of these is Steelhead Licensing LLC, a company just funded few days ago.
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Now tests are ongoing on how the plugin is performing. As there are several
video formats being used in the blog, not every plugin can be used. Also the
smart tags are of essential importance as the video smart tag is often used
and causing problems with other plugins.
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Faith ain’t on my side when it comes to finding the right video embed plugin.
There have several plugins being tested. the result is either interference with
other plugins or the video playback isn’t working as intended. So the search
will go on until I find the right plugin for this blog.
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While the search for a good plugin for video playback is still ongoing, the first
problems are already coming up. Most plugins still keep interfering with
other plugins, making it a real challenge to find a good video embedding
plugin. It’ll still take some time until all will work as intended.
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The blog will be down for maintenance until at least January 7th, 2013. We
are going to engage a new video plugin that will allow video playback on
mobile devices without any hassle. The flash player plugin served well in the
past however on mobile devices it caused lots of trouble.
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It seems as if the new year ain’t starting well for Zynga, which is famous for
some games in Facebook, amonst them Zynga Poker, Farmville and other
microecologically touched games that require the purchase of virtual goods
to gain advantages over freeplay gamers.
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Well… what a great party yesterday. But I am still extremely tired as I didn’t
get much sleep. So the first thing to do in the new year: Geting some sleep!
Hope you all had a great party as well. Enjoy your free days as I do and see
you soon again here.
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January 1, 2013Netspark
Thoughts TAGGED WITH :
new year
To all fellow readers of my blog: All the best for the new year and may all your
plans and tasks fulfill. Have a nice celebration and nice fireworks to gaze at.
We’ll see each other in 2013 then. Have you already thought about some
things to do in the new year? If not, you’ll still have 6 more hours to do so!
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While light emmiting diodes did not gring up much light in the past, today’s
LEDs have great potential to replace the energy-saving lamps which are in
conflict with a environment-friendly production. As Energy lamps still have
small amounts of toxic mercury and light-emmiting gases inside…
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While GPS is the most commonly used technology in the world when it comes
to navigation and other position-relevant applications, China seems to
mistrust the USA as they’re not relying on GPS. Instead, they’re engaging their
own positioning system called “BeiDou”. However it’ll take some time.
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Although the calendar says that we’re midst in Winter, the temperature
doesn’t make one feel like so. While in some places of Germany, Austria
and Switzerland the temperatures hit the 20-degrees-celsius-mark, the
question about the missing winter is just rectified.
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Ever imagined what it’ll be like when you’re atop of the world’s highest
building? Ever wondered how all these shiny windows get cleaned? Well, in
this video from BBC One, you get some insight on how all the work around
the tower is done and why this building still is a masterpiece of architecture!
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If you ever considered robbing a trucker in Russia, you’d better watch this
video and reconsider. Because truckers aren’t as helples as you may think,
even if they have a tire flat broke. These guys from Russia scented a potential
victim and harrassed the trucker. Too bad that the trucker knew of CB radio!
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Time is a valuable good if you once are in need of having more of it. So it
occurs to me right now. I’ll keep my words short as I am in a real hurry and
stress and I hope your first christmas day is as quiet and relaxing as Christ-
mas Eve yesterday was. Wish you the very best.
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Christmas time, the most happy time for most of us and the time where
silence embraces us. Thinking about the rare momentes we spend with our
beloved ones. Today I keep my post short as I am still not feeling well and
also have to work. However I take some time to post now.
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It seems as if I drag sickness like a magnet does metal. However it seems as
if I got the sniffels and thus ffeling not very well. hopefully my christmas time
won’t be all like that. but there’s something else just around the corner and I
fear the worst upcoming. However: Merry christmas to everyone!
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Time for some new junk (a.k.a. funny videos) for those who survived the
apocalypse. Sorry for being so sarcastic anyways but there were so many
people hyping about world’s end where there was no need at all. And what
happened lately: Right! N-O-T-H-I-N-G!
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Everywhere you look, you see the theories about the world’s end to come up
today. Some scientific websites also claim that there were mayan drawings
discovered that prophesy the world’s end at the very day today. But what
makes all these people so sure, that the world is going to end today? Why?
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So X-mas is around and the weather is freaking out. The actual temperatures
don’t allow any imagination of a white christmas. While there were 30 centi-
metres of snow laying just two weeks ago, all the snow has now gone and the
green blanket shows up again. Not quite that what I consider a white x-mas.
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As you might have noticed, my blog was down for maintenance and did not
receive any updates during christmas time. Reason for this was a planned
database update in order to update to the most recent WordPress version.
Due to some problems a rollback had to be done as updates went wrong.
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Scareware. A little nasty program telling you that your computer has
problems, where none are really. In most cases it’s better to trust Anti-Virus
pioneers and some system fixing software (some of them are even freeware!)
to determine your PC’s status.
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AMD seems to see time running out for them and thus unveils their 8000
GPU series. While NVidia has already announced the Geforce 7xxM series,
it’s the only logical step, AMD could have done now. The question still is if
first customer devices with the new GPUs will become available in near time!
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A land so far away? Not necessarily! The swiss airline PrivatAir has landed
a Boeing 737 the first time in Antarctica. The special weather conditions and
the ground made it necessary to train the staff more than one year until the
airline flew 32 research crew members of the norwegian polar institute there!
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It seems as if the USA will never come to peace when it comes to
killing frenzies. In Newtown, Connecticut, a mid-twenty years aged spree
killer ended the life of more than 25 people at Sandy-Hook Elementary..
The reason why he decided to do so. No one knows for sure.
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Water can be extremely rough when you’re on it with something fast. Even the
tiniest waves can shake you around like hell. So when you’re on a fast-paced
nutshell you’d better do what? Correct: Either slow down the nutshell even if
it’s uncool or use smaller turns (if possible). Wrong: driving like this guy.
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When pets do silly things, it’s mpstly cute. This cat’s owner noticed that his
feline friend got a taste for turntables. Funny that the turntable was just
playing a vinyl what probably dragged the cat’s attention to the turntable.
The cat learned one important lesson: Sounding things can make dizzy!
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At least for this century. Because there’s no 13.13.2013! – But why is this date
so special? Many people argue that such palindrome dates are guranteed to
bring luck to special events being done at such dates: Marriages, birthdays,
even common events from our everyday life are said to be better.
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Sounding almost ridiculous, Amazon has really patented a system to keep
mobile devices from hard crashes. Files under the patent number 833035
at the U.S. patent office, you’ll find a scheme for a air-driven recovery
system. However it’s not yet known what Amazon really plans.
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Bruno Bozetto has made a cartoon showing the evolution of our world. Using
“Bolero di Ravel” as the background music gives it a real classy touch. Since
this video is dated 1976, this is now 36 years old but it still has it’s charme.
So enjoy watching “Allegro non troppo – Boléro di Ravel”
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Have irisses with pictures long been a dream vision in movies, it now
seems that this is no longer Science-Fiction. The Centre of Microsystems has
developed a contact lens with a flexible LC display that is capable of display-
ing images. However the image is only viewable forothers, not the wearer.
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If you have cats that are very active and even wasting areas they’re not
allowed to, then this video may give you an idea how to teach them a lesson
without doing them any pain! I personally like the idea to teach pets without
physical influence! Never hurt a pet because it won’t forgive you that!
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It seems as if Cupertino’s darling is in big crisis as the stock shares keep
falling in value. Noting at 538 US$ at the moment of this article being written,
there’s the question when the Apple share will stop sinking so rapidly. Just
today, China Mobile announced that it will enlist the Nokia Lumia 620.
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