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Intel to lower prices in 2020 again!

It seems as if Intel has finally noticed that keeping
the prices for their processors artificially high for
more profit is cotraproductive especially with AMD
being in pole position even with server CPUs!

So Intel has sent signs to OEMs that they’re going to lower prices on (certain) CPU models in order to keep the pace with AMD. It seems to be another attempt to gain back pole position in the CPU market where Intel has recently lost a significant share to AMD, not only due to AMD releasing cost-efficient Ryzen Gen3 CPUs for mainstream computers, but also the actual Ryzen 4 Mobile series aimed at another domain of Intel: the notebook segment!

We don’t speak of the Threadripper 3XXX series here as it s all said in this post earlier released.

So while nothing much has been released about the CPU models that will receive a price lowering (for OEMs) there’s two scenarios that might happen:

1. Core Series 8 and Series 9 CPUs might receive a radical price cut thus allowing OEMs to lower their prices as well.

2. Core 10 series CPUs might fall in prices for OEMs allowing Intel and OEMs to gain better profit from using these CPUs and making them first choice over AMD again.

All in all one can say, it’s a desperate fight of Intel to gain back the crown in CPU market, be it Desktop, Mobile or server segment as AMD has taken their share with the release of a strong and cost-efficient lineup of actual ZEN2 CPUs.

So let’s see what this year will bring up for those who plan to upgrade their rig or notebook…

January 23, 2020 Netspark - 1598 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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