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Apple’s Event is almost here!

Only 8 more nights to sleep until Apple will unveil it’s
newest gadgets to the public. Besides the anxiously
awaited iPhone XI (iPhone Pro?) there’s also a new
16-inch MacBook Pro exprected to be shown.

So again the question will be: What are the benefits, how does it compare to the “old” models, how will Apple set the prices and when will these gadgets become available.

Also there’ one question itching all of us: Will Apple be able to beat the Huawei P30 Pro and Galaxy Mate 10 in photo quality?

What else could we expect from Apple this September 10th?

All this might find an answer then. But also we hope, Apple will find back to it’s roots where quality at a fair(!) price was issued. With the economy war between China and the USA, this could become an extreme challenge. Especially if Apple tries to fend off the costs of this tax madness to the customer.

No one would pay a whopping 2000 US$ for a cell phone nowadays. Especially when we look back at the iPhone Xs Max where the biggest model sucked out a whopping 1650 to 2000US$ (depending upon where you buy it!)  out of your pockets.

No, Apple! This time we hope you’ve learnt your lesson and bring out reasonably-priced iPhone XI to us. Otherwise the AAPL stock might see a severe impact and one direction… downwards!

September 2, 2019 Netspark - 1602 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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