Swisscom and LTE Go-Live!
Long awaited, LTE finally goes online and allows owners of appropriate
hardware to surf the internet with tremendous speeds. However owners of
the iPhone will still not be able to hop on as the hardcoded baseband does
not yet understand the LTE band. And it’s not sure when it’ll be done.
So what does that mean to each of us. Owning a LTE-capable device, in big agglomerations of Switzerland you’ll be able to transfer data with up to 130 MBit/s which is pretty fast for a cell network. Also speech is said to be transported over LTE in the future, yet it is not supported by most of the available LTE devices.
First tests have been made and the results are tremendous. So while LTE is now on the roll it’s time to consider the purchase of a ew LTE-capable cell phone such as the Galaxy Note II LTE… or maybe the Nokia Lumia 920. Hard to decide… *sigh*
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