Gutenberg or Not?
WordPress is releasing a new form of editor to create posts.
Called Gutenberg, the concept of WYSIWYG is brought to a
new Level. Instead of editing your text and insert media the
classic way by using office-like toolbars, you use blocks now.
Each of these Blocks is either specially formatted text or rich media. There’s no more text moving around wildly as soon as you insert media as the formatting is usually defining fixed alignments of the elements. Now the editor sets them where you intend them.
Seems good so far but why are we still using the old editor then of Gutenberg is so much better now?
The answer is simple: We have quite a lot of plugins that simply only work with TinyMCE (which is also a powerful editor frontend and supporting our contributors in every way possible.
Although there are some flaws with the “wild” formatting, our contributors still find TinyMCE the preferred choice to do so.
However with Wordpres 5.0, Gutenberg will be the de facto standard for creating posts and we still cannot foresee if this might affect the way or speed how we publish new articles.
So until WordPress goes live with version 5.0, we’re still sticking to TinyMCE and the “Classic” editor as the WordPress team is calling the current Editor now.
This also means that the blog still might not have “fresh” feeling of other blogs that already use the new editor.
However we think, good things need time and so does Gutenberg. For what we have seen, Gutenberg Editor is a good experience and it allows you a lot to design and see inline while you’re editing your post.
The reason why we still stick to the classic editor is that we still need to find out how other plugins will adopt to Gutenberg and port their functions to it. the goal is to offer you rich content the way how we do it right now. And as long as the majority of our used plugins does not explicitely state that they’re well-interacting with Gutenberg or have compatibility with WordPress 5.0, we’re not yet upgrading. However we do not know if WordPress 5.0 is forcing Gutenberg and does not allow switchback to the classic Editor.
We will see though, so stay tuned.
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