When Ice meets frozen floor…
The winter is sort of strange. The temperatures are barely below zero degrees
celsius and thus it is raining black ice. What males it so dangerous, is the fact
that you don’t expect extreme weather conditions. But what looks like rain,
quickly turns into a thick shell of ice. The result: Extremely slippery floors.
Now one might say: “No problem. I won’t slip!” but the news brought out another picture. So have several acidents been reported about people wo slipped and, in the worst case, broke their bones while falling down. The hospitals had some more cases to handle. Until sunday, the weather ain’t gonna change. so best thing is to stay at home and let some snow cover the ice that changes the streets into ice rinks.
To give you an idea how extreme the black ice impacted the everyday life, just have a look at this derailed tramway in Bern:
picture is courtesy from 20minutes
Now imagine a 40 tons heavy vehicle derailed from 4cm (1.6 inches) deep tracks!
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