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Climatic changes: Tornado in NY!

When discussing about climatic changes caused by man with a co-worker,
she told me that New York has been struck by a tornado. I just thought,
she was shittin’ me but Google taught me better: On September 8th, 2012
a tornado has struck the NY borough Queens leaving some destruction.

No one ever believed, that Tornadoes would be ever possible in metropolitan areas such as New York, but it seems as if the times change quickly and teach us better.

Watch the video here:

Usually I am not that thoughtful about climatic changes as temperatures still seem to behave normal. But seeing the above video made me think if such occurencies are already possible, when will it be so far that films like “The Day After Tomorrow” will become real

Watch the scene here about tornadoes hitting Los Angeles:

Video embedded from Spike

September 14, 2012 Netspark - 1602 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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