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Olympia, tickets and the money…

Olympia – Everyone has probably heard of it and watched it on TV to
favorize one’s country. What was fun before the millennium is now only
one more frustration when you see how money rules the world actually.
have tickets become available to the worker class to fair prices, it seems…

…that you can purchase these tickets today only if you have a very high salary or connections. Then you have the next problem that you have to fight over the remaining tickets with millions of other people while big heads with functionary positions have a guranteed contingent for theirselves and/or friends.

Now it seems as if exactly such has sold his tickets to the public to earn some extra cash. The delicate part is that rules say that the tickets aren’t allowed to be pricetagged more than 20% over regular price. Exactly this rule has been bent anyways and cost the Ukraine commitee Volodymyr Gerashchenko (Secretary General) his position at the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine.

After the scanadlous sale to an undercover reporter who disguised himself as a black market dealer, Gerashchenko has been instantly set free from his position by Serhiy Bubka. A logical consequence. But who knows how many tickets are otherwise sold via dark channels and benefitting those who already have enough money and strip those of their money who already don’t have much of it.

I haven’t ever been live to an olymic event and reading this, I consider to do so in the future. My “live” entertainment will be the TV set again where I decide what to watch and where I can enjoy my favourite bverages without being hassled by the many security controls that will be present for the Olympic games for sure!

July 23, 2012 Netspark - 1600 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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