Murky ponds can be dangerous!
The life of an animal can be very dangerous.
Especially if natural needs urge you to get water.
This deer herd has been struck by a python killing
one of them by quickly snatching out of the pond.
The life of an animal can be very dangerous.
Especially if natural needs urge you to get water.
This deer herd has been struck by a python killing
one of them by quickly snatching out of the pond.
Nature can be cruel as always. In this clip a monkey
in midst of a zoo in Thailand has been caught by a
python. Lots of other monkey mates tried to come
the captured one to help but at no success…
Most people are afraid of snakes. And even I would
not like to be close to these except I can be sure that
they’re not biting or poisonous. A python is not poi-
sonous and rarely bites (just if in danger or hunting).